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Bettys POV
It had been a few weeks and I stopped talking to Jughead regularly, even Kevin. I didn't want to be there in front of them if another text came.

And they did, they weren't stopping.

Just as I thought I finally escaped this torment it found me all over again. Every time I keep blocking and deleting new things will appear.

I laid in my bed as I read a book under my blanket. I closed the ebook and put it on the side as my mom knocked on the door.

"Elizabeth? There's a boy here to see you."

I looked at her and gulped as she opened the door wider and I saw Kevin.

I let out a small sigh as he walked in and my mom shut the door as he sat on my bed.

"We were friends for a week then all of sudden you stop talking to me? Texting me? Calling me?" He spat.

I frowned as he continued "I was also really looking forward to a sleepover."

I gave a small smile as he asked "What's going on?"

I sighed and explained "can you sit?"

He looked at me as I frowned and he sat on my bed and I gulped.

"I left my last school...for reasons..."

He held my hand as I admitted "and now those reasons are coming back..."

He looked at me saying "okay, we're gonna get you in a nice shower. And we will continue talking about this alright?"

I sniffled and he smiled hugging me as he rubbed my back. "Come on, get up."

I nodded and grabbed his hands.

After my shower I sat on my bed as he sat next to me "before you speak, I think I know what you might bring up, I was bullied once. I know it'll be completely different. I mean I was alone when it happened, I was just known as the 'gay kid' for a long time. After a while I didn't care. I just...was me. And I know it's completely different but you have me. Come to me if you're feeling a certain way Betty."

I sighed and shrugged "it's just...before I felt like such a burden."

He held my arm saying "you're not. Not at all. Betty you're actually the one person who doesn't side eye me for being gay. You like that about me and I'm grateful you do. But believe me we're nothing like what these people say about us. We're so much more than that."

I sniffled and he said "give me your phone."

I looked at him and handed him my phone as he told me "well, we can change your number?"

I shook my head "my parents would kill me and I can't let them know it's happening again."

He nodded and said "well. If there's ever a text or something just don't even look at it, come find me and I'll make sure you won't see it."

I frowned explaining "it's not that easy Kev. These are the kids I've been with since kindergarten. It's difficult reading these things."

He nodded and thought "well, if you're ever feeling alone. Come find me."

I smiled and he held my hand "just...don't do something that can't be reversed okay? I want you to be my best friend for as long as I can. Who knows, one day I might be changing your sons diapers."

We both laughed at those words and I leaned into his arm as he hugged me from the side.

"Thank you for coming...for worrying."

He nodded and kissed my shoulder and said "I never had a best friend and to be honest you gave my ass more attention than I've ever gotten from someone besides my parents."

I smiled and he did too as I hugged him fully and cried out "thank you..."

He rubbed my back and nodded as my phone rang.

He grabbed it and smiled looking at me "seems like I'm not the only one concerned today..."

It was Jugheads number and I grabbed the phone and answered it.

"Betty? Hey...I just wanted to check up on you, our last days...at the movies you just left and...we haven't spoken since. I wanted to give you some time to cool off but you haven't called me, texted me, have avoided me. Are you okay?"

I sniffled and said "yeah...yeah I am. Can we meet up at Pops?"

Kevin smiled at me and I smiled back.

When I got to Pops I sat in the booth with Jughead as I explained myself "okay, I know I have no reason to be distant and..."

He shook his head "I was just worried, I don't care for what reason it was as long as I didn't do something that made you uncomfortable."

I shook my head "believe me you haven't...you being in my mind has done quite the opposite."

He smiled and I smiled back as he held my hands as sighed out "Betty...I've rarely had girlfriends that actually like me back. And I was worried... that it would be the same scenario here. I didn't want that to happen so I was scared. If I did anything please tell me the truth."

I shook my head "no Jughead I really really like you...even after a week I...I was so...amazed you would even pay attention to me."

He smiled and I smiled back.

"Then what happened?"

I frowned and said to him worriedly, "there are things about me...that you don't know about it, that I fell...you will judge me because of them. And I'm scared of that."

He sighed and caressed my knuckles and told me "I wouldn't do anything like that, and neither will I force you to tell me anything."

I looked at him and smiled as he said "whenever you're ready to talk about it I'll be here."

I sighed and told him "it just...sometimes these bad memories rush back. And I get scared."

He gave me a small nod and told me "if you ever feel...defeated and...just call me. Text me. I'll be by your side in a second."

I smiled and explained to him "I just...don't want to burden you."

He shook his head right after those words "don't think like that. Never think like that."

I frowned and he told me "come on."

I was confused and he stood up and reached for my hand. I sighed and took ahold of his and we left.

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