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Jugheads POV
We had found both Charles and Chic and went back to the cabin. We ate lunch and time was going by. As night came and I had dinner with the Coopers I was allowed to stay the night since it was already getting pretty late. Betty and I stayed up late, he hadn't talked about what happened at all, we've been kinda ignoring it really. But I didn't want too, I wanted to know what she felt...and I wanted to let out what I felt.

I laid in her bed as I read a book. She had come out of the bathroom and came beside me on the bed, I set my book down and smiled at her.

She smiled back and was reaching for the lamp switch to turn off till I mentioned "can we talk about what happened? Please?"

She sighed and she said "what else is there to say?"

I frowned and tried to think as I shut my eyes and spoke "for so long I thought the world was against me with the whole Southside, Northside debate, being a serpent, the Prince. Having parents who tried their best...but I didn't get as much family time as others, having to worry if they came home or not. And while I had all of my friends...when my life began falling apart I thought I was all alone, until I met you...and you...you were a light to candle. A small flame that...that I could think of when all was dark. You brightened up my mood whenever I saw you, and I won't let anyone snuff out the happiness you deserve. I won't let them hurt what I see as a flame. Sensitive...yet dangerous."

She looked at me and I gulped "what I'm trying to say is..."

I looked at her as she stared into my eyes she frowned and looked away for a second and told me "if you would've met me a few months ago...you would've thought I was insane..."

I shook my head "no, I would've thought...that you were beaten down to the point where you had to fight so hard until you broke. And I would never  judge you for that."

She frowned and mentioned "I haven told anyone about my arm...what really happened...I said I accidentally fell off the hill. Everyone thought...I wanted to kill myself again. All I could think about was how to explain it all to you..."

I held her hand and she turned back to me and said "I have scars all around my body...from hurting myself, and they're a reminder that I at one point just couldn't handle the pain...that I wanted to just...end it all, all of the scars were just wanting sign of what was to come...and I felt so alone, you say that I'm this light...when before and sometimes still, I feel...I feel like...all the light that I had before was snuffed out and wont...ever return..."

I shook my head "and that is where you admire wrong. Betty...I know you think like this, but I promise you...I will never allow you to feel this way again as long as you let me in, let me in to everything I'm not scared of it. I want to be apart of it, apart of your life and world...I want to be with you. I love you."

I looked at her as she again looked at me and smiled. "I was wondering when you would say that...I knew you've been trying...you just didn't know when to."

I smiled and she looked at me and said "I've never had a relationship...like that."

I smiled and told her "if I'm gonna be honest...neither have I. But we will figure it out together. With our doubts...we will find a way to be there for one another. Even with all the doubts."

She smiled while looking at me and looked at her broken arm and frowned as she suddenly began in unbuttoning her top and I looked at her as she slowly moved her shirt off and I saw scars around her stomach, arms.

She looked at me and frowned "I don't like summer...I don't like wearing bikinis..." she lifted up her pants and gulped "I used to try and...find anywhere that my parents wouldn't be able to see..."

She looked at me and gulped as I held her good hand and kissed her knuckles as I looked at her smiling.

"And you are the most bravest person I've ever met. Besides my mom."

She laughed with me as she leaned in and kissed me, I held her waist as she looked at me and gulped. "I would say we should...try sex but I have a broken arm."

I chuckled softly and said "we didn't have to do that right now. I can wait as long as you need me too."

She smiled and I smiled back as she kissed me again and I held her tightly as she told me "let's wait...not cause I'm not ready...but cause my parents are literally in the next room?"

I smirked gently and gave her a nod as she smiled snuggling into my arms and I reached for the lamp switch and turned off the light.

Touching Love...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ