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Bettys POV
I was at Pops with Kevin as he told me "I still can't believe Charles was able to get all the Ghoulies in a drug ring and Brett has been...recording girls?"

I nodded and he scoffed out "well junior year I guess and hope will be better."

I laughed with Kevin as I told him "Jughead and I have been taking time to...rekindle the romance."

He smirked "hope that consists of many rubbed items."

I kicked his leg as he winced and said "no fair!"

I laughed and he smiled. "I'm just happy we can get to do normal things and...we don't have to worry about anything going wrong."

He nodded and said "I will say that this year will be our year, you have to try cheer again now that you're in tip top shape."

I asked "what about the Blue and Gold?"

He shrugged at my words and said "we'll figure it out Betty, we're gonna have the most epic junior year ever and we're gonna defeat all odds." I smiled and he smiled back as we continued eating.

Later that day I was with Jughead as we were walking and I told him "so now that summer is almost over and Winter is coming I was wondering if you wanted to come with my family and I on our annual Thanksgiving vacation?"

He smiled and suddenly stopped and I looked at him and asked "what's wrong?"

He smiled and shook his head as he held my face and kissed me, I blushed as he pulled away and I asked "now what's that for?"

He sighed and said "I just...love you." I smirked gently and told him "well I love you more."

He sighed and I asked "is everything good with your parents?"

He shrugged and told me "ehh. They still...are a little apprehensive on everything." I sighed as he shrugged his shoulders "but I don't care. I am gonna make my own decisions."

I nodded as we got back to my house I opened the door and saw Chic with Charles and my parents.

I groaned out "oh no...is this another intervention? I already told you mom we are being safe now you have to bring Charles into this!?"

Suddenly Charles said "but out Betty not everything is about you."

I rose my eyebrows as he smirked and I was confused as Jughead pulled me back and Charles smiled "I have something to say."

He turned to Chic as he smiled and told me "thankfully everyone that needs to be here is here."

Chic looked at him almost panicking as Charles kneeled down and I rose my eyebrows as he said to Chic "Chic, I remember being in the same classes as you almost all my life, you were my best friend before the love of my life. You've seen me at my worse and at my best, you have taken care of my family when I couldn't, you have been an amazing person to have and you don't know how grateful I am that you have stuck by me even when I was awful to you."

Chic began tearing up and I smiled holding Jugheads arms that were wrapped around me as Charles took out a ring asking "Will you do me the honor of finally being a true part of my life, and something I really should've done such a long time ago but I was just an idiot not to do it. Will you marry me?"

Chic smiled and told him "of course...of course babe I will!"

I laughed as my mom was crying and my dad rubbed her back as Jughead laughed as Chic said "alright now we need to start planning the outfits the flowers, the location-"

I laughed and looked at Jughead "and you'll be my date right?"

He scoffed out "I'll be offended if I wasn't."

I smiled and he smiled back as I kissed him. We were in my room as I told him "I'm laughing at the fact that Chic is now planning out his perfect wedding as if he were prepared."

Jughead chuckled and sat beside me as I told him "this whole year has been a crazy adventure...a year ago all I wanted to do was just..."

I sighed and he wrapped his hand around mine and held my hand "hey..."

I looked at him as he mentioned "I know we never talk about that but...that's not gonna happen again, Riverdale while he's dangerous in some aspects many people do care about each other. And believe me I won't let anyone hurt you."

I smiled and he smiled back at me. "I know...I just...I'm happy I came here everyone here is so much better and I appreciate everyone he has taken me in. Veronica is so sweet and Kevin is the bestest friend I could ask for. You are the most amazing boyfriend I could ask for..."

He smiled and I smiled back and told him "let's just hope for a great rest of the year and for more to come if we can make it."

He scoffed out "we will make it. And will do everything to try and make sure this sticks."

I laughed and smirked "perhaps we can recreate what apparently is ongoing with my family. High School sweethearts?"

He smirked and told me "I wouldn't mind keeping that tradition."

I hit his chest as he chuckled and I smiled "well I can't wait for junior year than."

He smiled and kissed my forehead as I smiled and kept holding his hand and holding onto him but I was still ready to finally be my own true person but I will do that with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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