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Bettys POV
I was with Charles in his office as I did my homework and said "Charles it's almost Christmas and you're still working."

He told me "hey. I'm trying to help your ex boyfriend."

I nodded and said "I get that but still, take a break, it's not like he can go back to jail."

Charles sighed out "it's more complicated than that alright Betty?"

I nodded and said "well this week is our break Charles come on. I have one last day of school and then winter break full of snow and Christmas gifts."

He rolled his eyes and I smirked as I said "come on, it's been a month since the incident and nothing has happened and we're all great!"

I smiled and he said "alright alright."

I walked over to him saying "Chic is coming...spending almost a month. Maybe...you can pop the question."

He scoffed out "no. Never."

I scoffed at him and hit his head "poor dude has been waiting half his life, really?"

He sighed and shrugged "its up to me when I make that decision and I'm not ready yet."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down and smiled "well I believe he really wants it."

He sighed and nodded as I looked at my bag and and frowned sitting back down. "But have you found anything leading back to the real killer?"

He shook his head "not at all, it's bugging me so much...I'm upset. I don't know why this person, how they could cover their tracks so far..."

I frowned and held his shoulder as he said "this usually comes easy. But now...this case has so many holes that it should be so simple but it's not."

I gulped and said "I know. I hope that you're gonna be able to do this but I'm sure you'll be able to get it done, just take a break. Go easy on yourself alright?"

He frowned and nodded softly and said "come on, I should get you home."

I agreed and we took our stuff and began to leave. 

The next morning when I went to school I held a few presents as I saw Kevin and he smiled hugging me immediately.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. I'm just...I'm gonna be so sad when I go off to visit my mom with my dad these next few weeks but I promise that I will make sure I text and call as much as I can."

I laughed and he smirked "Merry Christmas."

He handed me my gift as I handed his and we hugged again as suddenly the door opened and Veronica walked in.

"Hello Keller, Betty. I just want to say...Merry Christmas."

She handed me a box and I said "Veronica you didn't have to..."

She smiled and told me "well, I still owe you for the homecoming decorations. Besides I want us to become better friends."

I smiled and she smiled back and walked out as I looked at the box "befriending Veronica Lodge? Kinda love it!"

I laughed and Kev did too. Later that day as I was at my locker getting ready to leave I saw Jughead approached me and he smiled "Merry Christmas..."

I smiled and told him "Merry Christmas..."

He sighed and held a small gift and handed it to me "I felt like I owed you."

He I smiled and looked at him and handed him a gift from my locker "great minds think alike."

He smiled and looked at me as I said to him "how's your parents?"

He sighed out "annoying as ever. But loving."

We both laughed and I said to him "well, I have to go but I hope you have a great Christmas."

I kissed his cheek and he nodded "you too."

I grabbed my stuff and left.

Jugheads POV
I got inside my trailer as I saw my parents building a small tree and I smiled at them and looked at the both of them.

"I'm actually feeling a lot better."

They smiled and I told them "I'm gonna help out Detective Cooper with his investigation. We already know Penny did it, now all we need is evidence and we have to focus on that."

My mom smiled and patted my chest "I hope you don't let it get over your head because Penny is dangerous."

I sighed out nodding "I know? I know."

I smirked and set down my gifts and left.

I went ahead to the Whyte Wyrm and Toni said to me "so we're gonna try and figure out how to turn all of this back to Penny?"

I nodded "exactly, she keeps tormenting us and torturing us, we need to find out how she's getting away with all of this!"

Sweet Pea asked me suddenly "okay...but since you and Betty are...broken up can I get a shot?"

I shoved his arm saying "yeah, not gonna happen."

He sighed and rolled his eyes as I turned back to Toni telling her "we need to find dirt on Penny fast before she can try something else."

Toni sighed and nodded and I thought for a second and admitted "Penny knows about Betty..."

Toni looked at me and groaned softly rubbing her head and Fangs said "woah, how does she know? How is that..."

I shut my eyes telling them "she came to Pops...told me she would hurt Betty if I didn't keep my mouth shut."

Toni scoffed out "than thats what you'll do."

I turned to Toni shouting "Penny doesn't have any remorse! She will go after Betty just to get to me and then next thing we know she's the leader of the serpents. We have to take her down."

Fangs scoffed out "how do you expect us to do that? She's always one step ahead of us."

Sweet Pea scoffed out "not like she could have a mole in the serpents."

Both Toni and I looked at each other as Fangs and Sweet Pea asked "whats wrong?"

I smirked gently and turned to them saying "were gonna find out if there is a mole in the serpents. Who's Penny snake."

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