Chapter 11: Inside The Mama Train

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3rd person POV 

You, the boys, April, and splinter were all planning to go break into The Foot Shack. Which was their secret headquarters. April and splinter told you that it would be way easier if you would help them break in since you know the most about The Foot Clan than anyone there.

You are also the one to tell them that they're loading the pieces of the dark armor and moving it to another location so I could raise the shredder. You're putting on your old foot clan outfit and looking at yourself in the mirror.

You look so different than you did a month ago. So much of you has changed. Obviously not physically but mentally. You couldn't even begin to process. I mean you met Mikey, You have a home now and you know have new friends, a family even.

You climbed out sewers and started heading over to the foot shack. April and splinter were already waiting for you when you got there but the boys weren't.

"The boy said they had something to do. They'll be here soon. Let's go ahead and go and get as much information as possible." Splinter said as April nodded. You motioned for them to follow you and started to climb the foot shack and go through the window.

Once you were underground and their headquarters, you watch them as they loaded the dark armor. Just then you heard to beeping. It was Raph's panic button.

"We have to go my sons could be in trouble!" Splinter said panicking.

"No, me and Y/n will stay behind and if anything gets dangerous will bounce." She said reassuringly.

"You two are very brave. You are ninja supreme." He said right before you left. You and April both just look at each other confused.

"Isn't that a pizza?" She said. Then you need to notice that they were loading things onto a train. You in April. Decided to go ahead and go. You both took boxes and started heading towards the train in the line.

Once you are on the train you pull up decided to split up. April went in one of the carts and you went in a different one. So you can figure out where the dark armor was easier. Just then you weren't paying attention or you're going and you accidentally bumped into one of your sensei's. He slowly turned around and glared at you.

"Hey it's you!" He said. You were really in for it now. " I can't remember the last time I saw you. How have you been? It's been like a month." You were surprised you didn't even notice that you were actually gone. I mean I guess there were a lot of people in the foot clan though.

" Oh I've been doing great. How are you?" You said nervously. " Oh I'm doing great! Thank you for asking." He said he took the box from your hands. " Where are you taking that?" Once you ask that he starts squinting his eyes at you.

" We're taking it to the front of the train. Thank you for asking! That's the second time some one has asked." He said happily as he walked off. You signed in relief. You decided to call people to let her know where the dark armor was. 

When you called her though it wasn't really a great time because she was directly above one of your sensei's. April was trying her because not to get caught but then her ring tone sounded off. She quickly hung up, but he hear it.

"Oh it you. Looks like you don't have anybody to protect you now." Just then the boys came out of nowhere and attacked him. The boys looked different than they did before they had this weird ninja uniform and everything.

"Donnie have you been testing on there brains again?" April said.

"Negative we are looking for the dark armor. Are you aware of its location?" Donnie replied.

"Yeah it's in the front cart, but can we talk about this." April said, but as she did they all left. Raph told Donnie and Mikey to go ahead and go, while he and Leo went to a different cart. At the time you were snooping around trying to find the front cart and all a sudden you see Donnie and Mikey appear.

"Oh hey- is there something different about you guys?" You said to them. "Yeah they looked even lamer." Your sensei cut in. You forgot they were there. They couldn't know that you were allies with them. 

"The sickest of burns!" Foot recruit said as Donnie threw a weight at them. 

"Y/n what are you doing! Don't just stand there! Attack them!" Your sensei said, yelling at you. You couldn't attack Mikey, but if they found out that you have betrayed the Foot Clan then they would kill you. 

Mikey started to worry when you didn't immediately tell them that you were on there side. Were you actually going to go back to the Foot Clan? You saw the sad look on his face. You couldn't bare it. They can do whatever they wanted to you. Your not leaving Mikey!

You took the other weight in your hand and chucked it at them. They just barely dodged it. They were both shocked. 

"I'm with them. I'm done working for the Foot!" Mikey was so happy to see that you had chosen him over everything you had known your entire life. He was so proud of you. 

"How dare you! You traitor! You will live to regret the day you crossed the Foot! You know what you'll regret it wether you live or not!" He said as he ran up to attack you. Then Mikey and Donnie both blocked him for you. 

When they did you were shocked. I mean sure Mikey would, but you didn't expect Donnie to care so much as to help you.

"Why did you-"

"Your family. That's what family does." Donnie said cutting you off. Then you all jumped at them. All of you attacking them at the same time. Once you were done you all managed to find Raph, Leo, and April. And you all headed to the front cart.

You finally got to the armour and you all celebrated, but then you heard a voice. You turned around to see what was going on. You saw April was being held by some purple plant thing. And then the thing grabbed Raph and then Leo and then Donnie and then you and then Mikey. 

You felt yourself get hit in the head. And then everything went black.


1092 words

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