Burden of silence Pt.1

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Requested by  fanfictionxpassion            

Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, throwing up


From the moment Jin first encountered their new dance instructor, Kang Jihoon, an unsettling vibe hung in the air. Jihoon's demeanor left him with a nagging feeling that something was off. There was something distinctly peculiar about the way the instructor conducted himself.

At first glance, Jihoon appeared excessively friendly towards the rest of the group, but when it came to Jin, a subtle but unmistakable condescension seemed to creep into his tone and expressions. Jihoon's piercing stares during their practice sessions only added to his discomfort, making him feel scrutinized and judged in a way that left him deeply unsettled. Making him feel as if he were under a harsh, unyielding spotlight.

As days turned into weeks, Jin's unease grew. He couldn't help but notice that Jihoon's criticisms were disproportionately directed at him.

While the other members received constructive feedback and praise for their efforts, he often found himself on the receiving end of thinly veiled insults and harsh, demoralizing comments. It was as if the instructor had singled him out for some reason, and he couldn't understand why.

Jin tried to push the feelings aside, but during their dance practices, he couldn't shake the sensation of the instructor's piercing, almost predatory, stares. Every time their eyes locked, a chill coursed down his spine, making him profoundly uncomfortable. What is it about me that he hates so much? Jin wondered, his thoughts a tangled web of anxiety and confusion.

He had tried to confront Jihoon about his treatment, but each time he attempted to discuss the subject, the instructor skillfully deflected his concerns with a dismissive smile and a wave of his hand. "You're overthinking, Seokjin. Focus on your moves," Jihoon would say, his tone patronizing.

Surprisingly, the rest of the boys seemed oblivious to Jihoon's peculiar treatment of Jin. They welcomed their new instructor warmly and even appeared to grow fond of him. This only intensified Jin's isolation and self-doubt. Am I imagining this? Am I being too sensitive? He contemplated sharing his discomfort with his bandmates, but the thought of sounding overly judgmental made him hesitant. Perhaps he was simply misinterpreting Jihoon's intentions, and he needed to give the instructor a chance to prove himself.

But he still couldn't shake the feeling that something was just wrong, that the unsettling vibe surrounding Jihoon was more than a mere misunderstanding.


Jin wished he had told the others.


It all began during the fourth week of their practice sessions with the instructor, when things took an unsettling turn.

It started with his persistent physical contact with Jin, making him increasingly uncomfortable. He found himself uneasy each time Jihoon placed his hands on him to correct his posture or demonstrate a dance move. The instructor's touches lingered for too long, and it was evident that the other members were oblivious to the instructor's unusual behavior toward Jin throughout the week.

Then came that fateful Friday in the fifth week of intensive practice. After hours of exhausting choreography rehearsal, everyone was eager to call it a day.

"Alright, guys, we're finished for today. It's getting late, so go rest up. I'll see you all on Monday," Jihoon announced.

The relief was palpable as everyone began gathering their belongings, looking forward to dinner and some much-needed rest. Jin felt a slight sense of relief, hoping for a respite from Jihoon's unsettling presence.

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