Burden of Silence Pt.3

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Original request by fanfictionxpassion

Warning: Mentions of sexual assault


The next morning, Jin awoke to the gentle warmth of sunlight streaming through the curtains. He found himself wrapped in the protective embrace of Yoongi's arms, a sense of safety he hadn't felt in months.

Jin stirred.

Yoongi, sensing his wakefulness, gently brushed a strand of hair from his face.

"Morning, hyung," Yoongi whispered, his voice a soothing balm.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi's voice was gentle, his eyes searching Jin's for any sign of distress.

Jin blinked away the remnants of sleep, momentarily disoriented before recalling the events of the previous night.

He nodded, grateful for Yoongi's unwavering support. "Yeah, I'm... better. Thanks to you."

Yoongi released his embrace, giving Jin space. As they sat up, Yoongi's gaze was unwavering.

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi broached the painful from last nights topic. "We need to talk about what's been happening, Hyung. I want to help you, and we can't let Jihoon get away with this."

He took Jin's hand and held it in support.

Jin took a deep breath, his voice breaking as he began to share the painful details. "I... I was sexually assaulted by Jihoon," Jin admitted, his words heavy with shame. "He recorded it and has been using it to blackmail me. Since then, he's been... he's been doing it over and over again for months."

Yoongi's expression shifted from concern to a deep, simmering anger. His grip on Jin's hand tightened, his own emotions mirroring the pain etched on Jin's face.

"That son of a..." Yoongi's voice was low, filled with a seething rage. He struggled to find words to express the depth of his anger and disgust at Jihoon's actions. Months? His hyung has been suffering for months, and he had no idea.

Jin continued, his voice barely audible through tears. "He threatened to ruin us, to destroy BTS, to hurt all of you if I ever spoke up. I was so scared, Yoongi. I didn't want to drag you all into this nightmare. I thought I could protect you all, but I was wrong."

After Jin finished speaking, a heavy silence settled in the room. Yoongi felt a surge of emotions, a mix of anger, sorrow, and a burning desire to protect Jin from any more harm.

"I'm so sorry, hyung. You didn't deserve any of this," Yoongi whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "We have to put an end to this. Jihoon can't get away with what he's done to you."

Jin looked at Yoongi, a glimmer of hope flickering in his teary eyes. "I'm scared but I can't let this continue. I can't let him hurt any of you."

He gently wiped away Jin's tears, his own eyes burning with a fierce determination, "We'll get through this together, hyung. I promise."

"We're going to expose him for what he is, and we'll make sure he pays for every wrong he's done," Yoongi declared, his voice unwavering.

Jin nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to his eyes. "Thank you, Yoongi. I don't know what I would do without you."

Yoongi embraced Jin, a silent pledge of unwavering support. "We're in this together, hyung. Always."


Later in the day, after the weighty conversation, Yoongi found Jin sitting in the living room, lost in his thoughts. He approached with a sense of determination.

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