Burden of Silence Pt. 2

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Requested by fanfictionxpassion

Warning: Mentions of sexual assault


Jin lay in bed, his mind a whirlwind of turmoil. He couldn't help but replay the night's events over and over in his head, each replay feeling like another blow to his already battered soul. The darkness seemed to close in around him, suffocating and relentless.

As he stared at the ceiling, he couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. He felt like a prisoner in his own mind, trapped by the secrets he held. The room felt like a cage, the walls closing in on him, suffocating him with their silent judgment.

He tossed and turned, attempting to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes he could only see and feel Jihoon all over him, he could almost feel him. He didn't sleep that night.


The weekend passed in a haze for Jin. Each moment felt like an eternity, a relentless cycle of trying to maintain a façade of normalcy while the memories of that night with Jihoon haunted him.

Jin cooked, cleaned, and did everything he normally did, but he felt like he wasn't himself, he felt like a machine doing everything because he is programmed to do it, to make it seem like everything is okay.

He barely slept the next night, the shadows under his eyes growing darker. Jin's appetite vanished, replaced by a gnawing pit of dread in his stomach.

He felt Yoongi's worried gaze on him through the weekend. Every time the rapper tried to ask him if he was fine, Jin would avoid him, or he would dismiss the topic and brush off Yoongi's concerns.

Yoongi knew something was very off with his friend, but Jin acted as if nothing was wrong, but Yoongi still felt in his gut that something wasn't right. Maybe he was thinking too much into it, maybe Jin was just tired like he insisted he was. Maybe he is telling the truth and nothing is wrong.

He decided to give him some space, hoping that in time, Jin would feel comfortable enough to confide in him.


Monday arrived, and the weight of what awaited him at the practice room threatened to crush Jin. He couldn't escape the feeling of impending doom that hung over him like a shroud. With every step he took towards the practice room, his heart hammered in his chest, a cacophony of dread drowning out the sounds of the world around him.

When he arrived, the familiar faces of his band mates greeted him, their smiles and laughter a painful reminder of the façade he was forced to uphold. They chatted and practiced as if nothing were amiss, blissfully unaware of the darkness that had woven itself into Jin's soul.

As practice began, Jin forced himself to focus on the choreography, to lose himself in the rhythm and movement. It was a desperate attempt to escape, if only for a fleeting moment, from the suffocating reality that threatened to consume him.

Jihoon's presence was a malevolent force, his eyes boring into Jin's soul, a silent reminder of the power he held over him. The instructor's criticisms and demeaning comments continued, each one a fresh wound on Jin's already battered spirit. It was a twisted dance, a macabre performance of power and submission.

"Seokjin, Focus!" The instructor yelled as they danced.

Jin was breathing hard, and sweating quite a lot. He felt a bit dizzy from the lack of sleep, and probably because he barely ate all weekend. In the morning, he only was able to stomach some yogurt.

He made a few mistakes as they practiced, Jihoon stared at him with anger and exasperation, almost like he wanted to burn a hole through him. He felt Yoongi's gaze on him.

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