Stress and Heartbreak Pt.1

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Requested by Siddha_5302

I hope you enjoy it


The pulsating beats of their new song echoed through the practice room. The air hung heavy with tension as they prepared for their highly anticipated comeback. The pressure was palpable, and each member felt the weight of expectations on their shoulders.

The intricate dance routine demanded flawless synchronization, but stress had taken its toll.

Jin felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he struggled to nail the intricate dance routine. His frustration grew as he struggled to keep up.

Jimin and Hoseok sent frustrated glances at him, as they saw him struggling, after hours of practicing.

As he thought he was starting to do better, he found himself stumbling over the choreography.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath.

His frustration mirrored the collective anxiety in the room.

Jimin shot a sharp glance at him, irritation etched on his face. Hoseok stopped the music.

"Jin Hyung, come on! We've been over this a hundred times," Jimin snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Hoseok chimed in, his tone laced with frustration. "Seriously, Hyung! We can't afford mistakes. Get it together!"

Their voices echoed through the room as they scolded Jin for his mistakes.

Jin swallowed hard, the sharp words cut deeper than they intended, leaving Jin feeling exposed and vulnerable.He had always battled with the belief that he wasn't as skilled a dancer as the others, but the harsh critique intensified his already fragile self-esteem, and those fears resurfaced with a vengeance.

He bit his lip, desperately trying to fight back the stinging tears. His mind echoed with the haunting whispers of his own insecurities and doubts that had plagued him long before this stressful comeback

The other members, caught up in the intensity of the momen, and also filled with stress, didn't rush to Jin's defense.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled. But apologies couldn't erase the tension that had woven itself into the practice session.

Jin held back tears. He shouldn't cry, he should just get over it and dance.

Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "Just get it together. Let's run it again from the top ."

Jin nodded. Deep down, he questioned whether he truly belonged, haunted by the fear of being a burden to the very group he cherished.

The music started playing.

As the practice continued, the other members chose to remain silent, neither defending nor supporting Jin. This silence weighed heavily on him, intensifying the feeling of isolation. He masked his hurt behind a practiced smile, not wanting to burden the others with his own insecurities.


As the practice session concluded, the room fell into an uneasy hush. Jin avoided eye contact, shoulders slouched, concealing the emotional turmoil within.

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