Burden of Silence Pt.4

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Original request by fanfictionxpassion

Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, blood and violence.


Ten minutes ticked by, each second stretching into an eternity. The air in the room grew heavy with concern, the atmosphere tinged with an unspoken fear that something had gone horribly wrong. The members exchanged worried glances, their minds racing with thoughts of worst-case scenarios. Each passing minute intensified their anxiety, and the silence in the living room became an echo of their collective dread.

Finally, the door to Jin's room creaked open, they all stood up, and collectively held their breath. Jin emerged, his eyes red and swollen. His gaze remained fixed on the floor, as if unable to meet the concerned eyes of his fellow bandmates.

A heavy silence enveloped the room as the members stood frozen, their hearts pounding with trepidation. The air was thick with an impending sense of doom. The unspoken fear lingered as they awaited Jin's words, their minds bracing for the impact of the news that had brought him to tears. Each member's face mirrored the collective concern, their thoughts racing with worry for their friend.

"Hyung?" Namjoon asks worried.

Jin's eyes slowly lifted from the floor to meet the concerned gaze of his friends. The room seemed to hold its breath, and the members stared back at him, their faces reflecting a mixture of anxiety, empathy, and a desperate hope for positive news.

Jin took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself before finally breaking the silence. "It's over," he uttered, the words hanging in the air like a heavy sigh.

"They arrested Jihoon, and they found the video," Jin announced, his voice cracking with emotion, A bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

A wave of confusion and relief swept through the members, the emotions playing out across their faces like a rapidly changing montage. For a brief moment, no one spoke, allowing the gravity of Jin's announcement to sink in. Then, almost in unison, the room erupted into a mix of jubilant cheers, hugs, and sighs of relief. Jin, amidst the celebration, felt the weight that had settled on his shoulders for days lift, leaving behind a profound sense of liberation.


As Jin stepped into the courtroom for his trial, the weight of the past months bore down on him. The proceedings had been kept private, a small relief in the midst of the storm. The evidence against Jihoon was strong, ensuring a favorable outcome, yet anxiety gripped Jin throughout the trial.

The members sat in the courtroom, supporting him silently, their presence a source of strength.

His heart pounded as he took the stand to recount the painful details of the assaults, the room fell into a heavy silence. His voice, though steady, carried the weight of his ordeal. The members listened, faces etched with a mix of empathy, anger, and sadness. Jin hated that they had to hear his painful testimony, but their unwavering support helped him endure.

Throughout the trial, Jihoon's menacing glare only intensified. It was as if he wanted to kill Jin with his eyes, a seething rage that sent shivers down Jin's spine.

Jin, however, maintained his composure, determined to see the ordeal through to its end.

As the proceedings concluded, a profound sense of relief washed over Jin. The nightmare that had haunted him for so long was finally reaching its conclusion. The knowledge that Jihoon would likely face imprisonment brought a glimmer of closure.


The judge's verdict echoed in the courtroom - guilty of all charges. Jin felt a rush of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Behind him, the boys erupted in a subdued cheer, sharing in Jin's victory.

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