Stress and Heartbreak Pt.2

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Requested by Siddha_5302


Jin's shoulders trembled with the weight of the emotional onslaught. He slumped in his studio chair, feeling utterly drained, as tears continued to stream down his face. The ache in his chest seemed to deepen with every passing moment, a relentless combination of hurt and frustration gnawing at his insides.

"Why does it have to be like this?" he thought, his mind a whirlpool of confusion and pain. He felt like he was drowning, each gasp for air filled with more heartache.

No one came to check on him, and the silence that enveloped the studio only amplified his sense of desolation. It was as though he was trapped in a suffocating bubble of despair, with no means of escape. His heart longed for some form of comfort, a reassuring touch or a kind word, but none came.

After what felt like an eternity of battling his turbulent emotions, Jin managed to gather himself. With trembling hands, he wiped away his tears, his eyes swollen and red. "Get a grip, Jin," he whispered to himself, though the words offered little solace. The oppressive stillness of the studio seemed to press down on him, urging him to flee its confines.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he mustered the strength to stand, his legs feeling unsteady beneath him.

As Jin stepped into the hallway, the building seemed eerily deserted. The members were nowhere in sight. Each step down the quiet corridors felt heavy with the weight of his emotions, the solitude swallowing him whole. Jin clutched at the fabric of his shirt, a feeble attempt to ground himself amidst the overwhelming sense of emptiness.

Feeling a heavy ache in his chest, Jin made his way to the restroom. The restroom door creaked as he pushed it open, finding solace in the empty space. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead cast stark shadows across the tiled walls, illuminating the weariness etched into his features. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, feeling as though he was looking at a stranger.

The brokenness in his eyes reflected back at him, traces of tears still evident on his face. The usually warm gaze was replaced by a profound sadness that seemed to pierce through the mirror.

Turning on the faucet, Jin allowed the cool water to cascade over his trembling hands, the sensation offering a fleeting moment of relief. He splashed his face with water, hoping to wash away the remnants of his tears. The cool water felt refreshing against his heated skin.

"You have to pull yourself together," he told himself, though the words felt empty.

The water dripped down his face, and he stared at his reflection again, attempting to compose himself. He straightened his posture, determined to present a façade of strength, even if it was just for himself. Jin ran a hand through his hair, trying to regain some semblance of composure. He took a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself, and whispered reassuring words to his reflection.

"You're stronger than this," he whispered to his reflection, the words sounding hollow even to his own ears. "You've been through tough times before, and you've always pulled through."

Jin dried his face with a paper towel, he fought against the urge to break down once more. He felt like a fragile porcelain doll, one wrong move away from shattering into a million irreparable pieces.

As he exited the restroom, he checked his phone, hoping for a message, a call, or some form of acknowledgment from his fellow members. Yet, the screen remained disappointingly blank, void of any messages or missed calls. Jin felt a pang of loneliness, the silence from his supposed family echoing louder than ever.

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