15 🔥🔥🔥 Uncaged

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April 29th Continued...

Fuck. I'm not sure if I can handle what's about to come. Because whatever it is, it is never what I think it will be...

You reach through the bars, cup my chin and pull it upwards. My eyes meet yours, and you say, Do you want to earn your little treat my pet?'

My head nods. Stupid head. And my mouth says, 'Yes Sir.' Stupid mouth.

Oh God. What's the treat going to be?

You walk to the desk and I drop my head to the floor. My ass is throbbing. I hear a buzzing and turn my head to the side. You're carrying a graphite-black vibrator. It has some kind of fixing on it.

You turn it off, and say. 'I bought this especially for you Miss Lilah. If you can be very brave for five minutes you can earn it.'

You put your arm inside the cage and push my ass forward, away from the central pole, where you attach the vibrator to the fixing on it. I feel your hand slide into the side of my knickers, running it through my honey, scooping it up. I look through my legs and see you coating the vibrator with my honey.

'Oh God,' I moan into the floor.

'God can't help you, Miss Lilah, only I can,' you murmur, and my pussy contracts.

You lick your lips as you slide my knickers down my ass, leaving them at the top of my thighs. Then you tug my hips back and I feel the vibrator against my pussy.

Back at the front of the cage, crouching in front of me, you say, 'This is the part where you need to be brave. Can you do that, Miss Lilah? Can you be brave for just five minutes?'

Your voice is hypnotic and though my heart is pounding, my head is nodding, and I say, 'Yes Sir.'

You smile, hold up a key and lock the cage.

'Oh, that's not what I thought..' My voice is a yelp, but it trails away as you stare into me. I see all the colours of the ocean in your eyes, all the colours of the sky too. There's a silver lining around your irises, sparkling at me.

'You can come out of the cage when you cum, Miss Lilah.'


You stand. Walk to your chair and sit down. Watching me. Watching the effect of the locked cage as my mind catches up with what's happening.

You have me trapped. Anything could happen. There would be nothing I could do. What if I can't cum? What if you don't hear me say the safe word? Just as panic starts to grip me, the vibrator turns on.

I spin my head to look at it.

'What the fuck? How did that happen?'

I look back at you and you hold up an egg-shaped thing, the colour of charcoal.

'It's a remote-control. I have control of both my toys in the cage.'

I have a sudden urge to argue with you for being so fucking smug, but the vibrator is already doing its magic, and my body is falling for it. Pushing itself closer to it.

It feels really, really good. I push up higher, needing it on my clit. Pushing against it, lifting myself up to kneeling and holding the bars. Heat builds in my thighs. Jesus, I'm going to come. He's going to let me out.

'This is going to be easy,' I pant, as I arch my back, moan, deep and low.

The vibrator slows. 'What's happening?' I whimper and look at you, to see you holding up the remote-control. 'Please,' I whisper.

'Please what?'

'Please Sir.'

'Push all the way onto it Lilah. Let it slide into your pussy. I want to see it disappear into you. The way I disappear into you.'

I jolt at the way you say that. So softly, as if admitting to a crime, or telling me you love me. Are you disappearing into me?

'Do as you're told Lilah,' your voice is back to being stern, and snaps my mind into the present. I slide back onto the vibrator, impaling myself on it. I'm panting, sweat beading all over my body. I look at you, see you click the egg, feel the vibrator whir back to life.

I grind onto it. I have to come, have to get out of here, but it's not enough. Not fast enough. I'll never come like this.

'Please, please more,' I whimper, and that smile is there on your face again, along with that sadistic glint. I reach a hand down to my clit, but the vibrator stops.

'Not like that, Little Pet,' you say softly, as you walk towards me with two restraints in your hand.

Reaching through the side of the cage you grab my wrist. I pull away, but there's no where to go, and you easily grab my wrist back. I try and push you off with my other hand, but you laugh, and say, 'Settle down, Little Pet,' as you wrap the restraint around my wrist and clip it to the side bar of the cage.

I pull at the restraint with my free hand, trying to undo it, but you quickly move to the other side of the cage and grab that hand too. Wrapping it in the other restraint, you clip it to a bar.

'Fuck.' I pull at my wrists, 'Fuck this stupid game.'

The vibrator turns on, deep inside me. It's stronger this time. Too strong, I scream as sweat drips down my body. You're still crouched at the side of the cage. Watching me curiously.

My knuckles are white, and razor-sharp as they grip the bars. You stroke each knuckle with the pad of your index finger, watching as the colour blanches out of them.

You reach for my thighs and stroke the inside of them. But I can't turn to look, because I'm feeling everything too much. My legs tremble under your hand and all I can do is hold on, and listen to my own screams as they reverberate around the room.

My clit aches for release, and you place your fingers on it. I'm vaguely aware of you looking through the bars, inspecting me, holding me open.

'Yes,' I scream. Then, 'No, yes, no, more, fuckkkk.'

My body bucks on your hand, black stars are in my vision, an orgasm taking me, so strong and so long, that all I can do is grip the bars, and scream, and scream, and scream.

The vibrator slows, then stops. Honey coats my thighs, drips down my legs. My hair is plastered to my face. My head drops forwards.

'The toy is yours now, Little Pet. You earned it.'

'Thank you, Sir,' I pant. Not entirely sure that I want the bloody thing. Is it a toy, or is it an instrument of torture?

You unclip the restraints from the bars, releasing my wrists. Then push me forwards, off the vibrator. My body sags to the floor, in a heap of sweat and tears and honey. I am ruined. I hear the key in the lock, and then your hands are under me, sliding around my chest, pulling me out of the cage, onto your lap and into your arms.

I lay there trembling, wrapped in you. Completely broken and utterly full.

How will I ever be the same again, after you? How will I ever not crave your darkness? You have turned sex into art, and me into your toy.

You rock me slowly in your lap, on the floor. Stroke my hair away from my face, and say, 'You are mine, Lilah. You belong to me. Only me.'

And I say, 'I belong to you Sir. Only you.'

Because I know now that I do belong to you. Whatever life I had before you, I will not be returning to it. I want only you, and this room, and your art, and our words.

Even my poetry doesn't belong to me anymore, it belongs to us. Everything I write is about you.

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