chapter 1

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It's just a normal night at jump city everything is peaceful. But teen titans decide to patrol anyway so there are no criminals trying to rob banks or steel bags from old ladies and so on I mean, they are the criminals. So they split up because it was peaceful night.

"Okay team I think that's enough there's no crime let's go back to tower"said Starfire as she flew over another building.

"Finally Mama I'm starving"said beast boy in his beard form.

"Oh I know let's have some spaghetti tonight what do you guys think"said Donna excited that she finally get to go back to tower.

"Yeah sure why..."before raven cold finish the sentence she suddenly heard a sound of  glass breaking and she saw some boy falling from the building.

Without a second thought she flew and catch the boy before he hit the ground and carefully put the boy on the ground.Before raven could ask boy a question she heard Starfire's worried voice"Raven are you okay?! did something happen?!"Starfire sounded very worried and concerned."yeah Starfire everything's fine some boy fell from the building so I helped him"when she said that she saw people flying from the building she was shocked to see them because they were assassins "Starfire come here right now there are  five assassins here I'm going to send you my location, be quick!"said raven clearly worried."okay I got it we are coming, be careful!"said starfire warning Raven. Assassins were coming towards Raven and the boy. Raven immediately asked them"why are you guys here in jump city!"before assassin's cold say anything boy spoke up "they are here for me it's long story so don't ask me any questions."boy said calmly. there was no hint of worry or fear in his voice which made raven doubt if he was a normal person or not, who won't be afraid of five assassins after you head."WHAT?! What do you mean they are after you?! what did you do?!"said raven surprise but before she could say anything more assassins started to attack them but she was quick and block there attacked by using her magic, then boy spoke up again "that's not going to stop them forever, they just going to wait you out before you will be too tired to use your magic."he still was calm and his face was unreadable. Before he could say something assassin's got attacked by other superheroes and in the minutes Superboy and kid flash already tied them up so they won't run away.

"what happened?! why are there five assassins?!"Donna practically screamed.

"That's good question actually. but you shouldn't ask me, you should ask him."said raven and turned to look at the boy who wasn't really pleased that every superhero in town was in front of him.

"What do you mean"said Donna pretty confused.

"Who is he?"said beast boy he was pretty confused as well as other team members.

Before others could ask more questions  boy spoke up"my name is Damien and assassin's are after me because I stole something very important from them so now League of assassins are after me"Damien said now looking at assassins tied up and passed out.

"Dude why would you still from League of assassins, are you crazy?!"said beast boy when other boys just node there  heads agreeing with him.

"It was logical thing to do"said  Damien.

"Okay that clearly isn't something that we should be talking in here, and when is police going to come? we have to arrest them!"said starfire and immediately looked at five unconscious assassins tied up to each other.

"Yes I agree. well then bye!"said Damian and try to leave when he was stopped by angry redhead.

"Stop right there! you cannot leave, we have questions that need to be answered and I'm pretty sure those assassins will be no help, because they won't say anything at all! so you will come to our tower and tell us everything you know, and tell us why are they after you, am I clear!"said starfire, in her voice  there was anger, but also worry towards Damian?

"And why would I do that? I don't have to do that! I could just walk away right now!"said Damien now annoyed.

"Because you clearly need someone to help you and don't you dare decline that if Raven wasn't  there when you were falling from a building you will be dead now"said starfire now even more angry.

Damian was hesitant and he looked like he was thinking about something but after what felt like 2 minutes he said" fine but just so you guys know assassins aren't only ones who are trying to catch me there are others and they are just as strong. you guys just got lucky"in his voice there was slightest worry and annoyance blended together.

"Great Raven can you open portal for us and blue beetle, kid flash stay here and wait for police to come and arrest them"after she said that there was a noise then smoke came out of nowhere and assassin's disappeared.

"Damn it they run away and they probably going to come back for me" said Damian obviously annoyed.

"So we don't have to stay here then? Ask blue beetle kind confused.

"Yes. and Superboy can you go to police and tell them not to come here anymore, because they ran away and can you hear assassins?"said starfire interested if they could still catch them.

"Unfortunately no they aren't making any different noise except breathing so I don't know where are they "said Superboy with apologetical face.

And after that he flew away and came back after what felt like 5 minutes." I explained everything to police there aren't coming here"he said looking at Starfire for her answer.

"Okay, thank you super boy. now everyone let's go, I think everyone needs some rest after what happened."she said and after that Reven opened a portal. After Raven open the portal everyone got inside including Demian.


So tell me guys how do you guys like it if you guys have some ships I could totally do it but my main ship here is absolutely demirae so tell me everything in comment also if you guys want some superheroes to be here I will add them and tell me if I should do something special or not. okay bye, hope you guys love it! 💗😘

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