chapter 4

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When teen titans got to Raven and Damian, Damian and slade were still in hand to hand combat, both of them were badly injured but they didn't care the main thing for them was victory. Teen titans immediately intervened in the battle and slide had to flea but before he left he said something in Arabic to Damian"you can't run away from your family forever. they are closer than you think, if I were you I will apologize and accept the fact that I am Al Gul!"this comment made Damien really angry "that's too bad because you are not me"Damien yelled at Slade in Arabic. As soon as Damien calmed down a bit, Starfire asked Damien"what did slide want from you and what did he say to you to make you so angry?"Damien turned to Starfire"I told you already assassins aren't only ones who want my head"said Damian annoyed that no one was listening to him when he first said it. Starfire had no comment to this answer "okay let's go back to the tower" that was all she could say.
Raven immediately open the portal and they all went back to the tower.

"Raven can you heal Damien?" Starfire questioned Raven. Before raven could say anything, Damian said "I don't want to be healed it's nothing serious it will heal soon" before Starfire could answer Damien left the room.

"Raven please go and heal him." Starfire said she was on edge and no one could blame her for that. Raven nodded her head as an agreement she was actually worried about Damian. If Starfire hadn't told her to heal Damien, she still was going to heal him.

Raven was about to knock on Damien door but stopped when she heard Damian distressed sounds. 'he really needs my healing' Raven thought and knocked on the door. Damien opened the door. he wasn't wearing a t-shirt so Raven could see his sculpted muscles (A/N:hahaha) and his injuries but he still looked hot. 'oh my God he is so hot' Raven thought to herself while trying not to stare at him, she failed miserably.

D: what do you want?

R: I came here to heal you!

D: I already told you guys that, I don't need to be healed. I'm fine!

R: said the man who was howling in pain 5 minutes ago.

D: I wasn't howling!

R: you were.

D: ... (he is blashing)

R: okay if you don't want me to heal you at last let me help you dress your injuries.

Damian was hesitant but in the end he gave up "okay coming" said Damian as he gestured Raven to go in to his room.

He's Room was tidy and nothing like those messy rooms that ravens teammates has. Reven was surprised to see couple of books on his bed. "Wait is that Sherlock Holmes" Said Raven curiously. "yes it is "said Damian amused by ravens reaction. "So you like reading Sherlock Holmes"ask Raven trying to make a conversation. "I am more into history then fiction but it's amusing to read it entertains me so yeah I guess you can say that I like it"answered Damian as he sit down on the bed and gestured Raven to do the same. Raven sit down on the bed and took bandages and started dressing Damian's injuries.  more  wounds Raven dressed the more she wondered why didn't Damian wanted her to heal his wounds. In the end raven's curiosity got her better and she hesitantly asked him "Damian why don't you want me to heal you?"silence field the room. Raven didn't know what to say other than, she was sorry, that she shouldn't ask that question in the first place."because I don't want anyone to know what I've been through...  when you heal people you can see their entire life right? That's why I don't want you to help me."Damian's answer made Raven even more curious a lot of questions were going through raven's head 'how did he know I could see other people's lives by healing them?, what did he been through? did he actually kill people? it could be possible that he actually killed people, I mean he is a ex assassin... right?'but Raven didn't ask any questions she didn't wanted to look  noisy.

As she dressed he's injuries she could feel  he's emerald eyes were on her for, some reason that made her blush. It took her sometime to dress his injurious but she managed it as she was going to left his room, he grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving his room just yet. Raven immediately turned around and realize how close he was. "what? do you need something?"she was trying not to stutter in front of him. He suddenly backed away and give her *Sherlock Holmes* book and said "take it as a thank you. The way you react to it when you saw it... Just take it if you want."for some reason raven's heart started beating really fast, was it that obvious that she wanted to read  Sherlock Holmes, 'how embarrassing!' "oh! um... thank you. But aren't you reading it?"she was trying so hard not to stutter but she was failing."I finished reading it yesterday. so no, I'm not reading it anymore. you could have it if you want."Damien answered her. "Thank you" Raven thanked Damien vlagain and hurried back to her room as she looked the door. she immediately lay down on her bed and as she closed her eyes she saw Damian without a t shirt. "Oh mother of azarat what's happening to me!?" said raven as she tightened her grip on the book that Damian give her.


I know I know I'm late again but to make it up to you guys I decided to send them on a date so don't miss the next chapter it will be epic and I give you guys a little damirae over here so hope you guys love it! 😘💞

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