chapter 6

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As always it was a cold, dark and crime-filled night in Gotham. But he was still there... fighting crime. A couple of thieves made the insane decision to rob a bank at night so it's no surprise that... "batman grab what you can and run" said one of the thieves, but it was too late in a few minutes they we're on the ground, tied together. " Alfred, call the police and let them know, that there are things to catch" "the police are on their way master Bruce"

he was on the roof of one of a million buildings watching  people below. And that's when he heard her voice after 16 years he heard her voice again. "Hello Bruce" it was her. it really was her! but... what was she doing here? "Thalia" was only thing that came out of his mouth. "What are you doing here" he continued. "don't worry I am not here to couse a harm." she said coming out of the shadows. she was wearing a black cloak that was hiding her body perfectly. She didn't waste a single moment to explain why she was here. " I was hoping that you could find the boy" she said throwing files at his feet.        "everyone who is involved with league   is trying to kill him. I'm not go into details to why they want to kill him. I took quite a liking to him, it will be shame if something happened to him." Before Bruce could say anything she disappeared in Shadows.


Reven pov:

"To be honest I didn't know that amusement park was open at this hour" I said
"It's just tonight, come on there is a lot of things I want to do" said Damian as he took my hand, I could hear my heart beat. I was just so flasttered I didn't even realise that he was looking at me. "Is something wrong?" He asked innocently 'oh azarat he is so cute and adorable I could just... WAIT WHAT?!  "Are you just going to stare at me" he said. I didn't realize I was staring at him I had to think about something to reply with " I was just thinking about how you are so chill. I mean everything that is going on right now..." I managed to say. He sighed and looked at the sky " I am just trying to be optimistic."

His mood instinctly changed. I wanted to fix it so I said only thing that came through my mind"we're here to have fun right? so come on! Let's have some fun!" I pulled him towards roller coaster and I looked up at him as if asking him if he wanted to ride the roller coaster. In answer he smiled at me and started walking with me. We bought the tickets and  sit down next to each other,when the ride begin it wasn't that fast but when it started to go down it got faster and faster and I didn't even realized how I grabbed Damian's hand out of shock.

I was thankful when ride ended and also hoping that Damian would forget the fact that, fearless super hero was afraid of roller coasters. how embarrassing?! Thankfully he said nothing about it but he said he wanted to ride a Ferris wheel next so... We bought the tickets and I wished the ground could open up and swallow me. There was a couple a COUPIE! Right behind us. oh no Ferris wheel would going to stop and who could possibly guess what happened Ferris wheel stopped for at least 5 minutes. While a ferris wheel was stoped Damian start taking "so do you like riding books?" I wasn't expecting him to ask me that "yes I do, I always enjoy reading about other peoples adventures and their romance." I said honestly"what types of books do you read?" I asked " I like historical books but I also enjoy reading about other peoples adventures." He said " I have to say that I did expected you liking those kinds of books." I said when I realized that doors were opening. I looked at Damian who looked shocked just like me "hah did we really talked that much?" I said as I got up " look like it " he said as he walked out of the door for a moment I could hear him chuckle.

"So... Were should we go now?" I asked him, that's when I saw it the most adorable cute squishy teddy bear ever I couldn't take my eyes of of it.  " Let's go get some food " his words snap me back to reality. We got some food and sit down on a bench,a couple of minutes  past and he went to get some drinks for us it didn't take him too long to come back but when I saw him I felt butterflies in my stomach...
He GoT a TeDdY bEaR!!!For me?!🤭💕
When he got close enough he give me the teddy bear🧸 I was trying so hard not to scream out of happiness, this boy is something else! "What's this for?" I asked him as my chicks got hot.
"I saw how you were looking at it and thought I would win it for you." He said as he sipped his drink. "Can you blame me? it looks adorable!" I said taking my drink and sipping it, it was good.For a while we sit there eating our food and drinking soda  when we finished our food I askd him " should we go back to the tower?" He looked at the watch on his wrist and said "let's wait for 10 minutes and after fireworks will be done then we leave okay?" He asked me with his gentle smile. damn it! my chicks were getting hOtEr!

At this time it was really cold and I was regretting that I didn't listened to Damian and didn't wore a jacket. As I said it was really cold so... to warm myself up I hogged my teddy bear and of course he noticed it. He took of his jacket and put it on my shoulders "you didn't need to do that." I said as my hair covered my face " but you are cold"  he said  "I am not"  I said.  he came closer to me and stroke my hair out of my face and said "well Your body temperature says otherwise." At that moment fireworks started and I exhailed I didn't realize that I was holding my breath. Was he trying to make me fall for him because if he keeps this up I might fall for him for real.

Fireworks and dead end he'll draw us to the tower I was so tired I didn't sleep at my room and just fell on my bed closing my door with my magic. Shoot I forgot to return his jacket but it was okay I going to do that in the morning I have to admit that this date was the best one. Actually it was my first one but was it really a date?

Happy new year 🎊 everyone! And no I am not dead. I was in a writing crisis I had no idea what to write so ... Hope you guys understand why took me so long to write this chapter. But I guess I owe you guys apology, because I promised you all that I would upload it, but I never did and I never said anything about it. So... I am pretty sure you guys are mad at me and take this chapter as my apology and by the way,this is my longest chapter ever!happy New year's everybody🥳! By the way play the song after the Bruce and thalia's interaction.

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