chapter 7

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I woke up earlyin in the morning I've been in this town for a long time and most importantly I found the next clue yesterday, so I had no reason to stay here. I packed all my things and headed to las Vegas. 'I will find you Hadjil, I promise.'


Starfire woke up in the morning to see those blue eyes again, looking at her intensely. She smiled as he kissed her and whispered 'good morning ' to her. she kissed him back as he wrapped his hand around her waist. He traced his kisses down to her neck as she moaned his name. Before they could go any further Dick's phone  rang it was Bruce. They quickly stopped and Dick answered the call "Bruce it's really not the time. I kind of was middle of something... important" he said and looked at kory who was now giggling and getting dressed. "It's important! last night when I was patrolling Thalia appeared she give me some files about 16 years old boy called Damian Donfield and she told me to protect him from the League of assassins and she just left after that..."that gain Dick's attention."one moment"he said to him. "baby what did you say what was that boy's name?"he asked her "who? Damian?"she asked confused. "Yeah him."he replied."Damian...Damian Donfield. Why?"she said to him "Bruce Damian is currently in teen titans tower. He was attacked by five assassins and teen titans helped him"Dick said. Starfire looked even more confused."I need to talk to him."said Bruce before ending the phone call.

Dick what did Bruce wanted? and what Damian got to do with anything? Starfire asked it was clear that she was concerned for Damian it amazed dick how much his girlfriend cared about other people. Is really lucky to have her by his side. He sighed and said "apparently Talia Al Gul  told Bruce that he needs to protect Damian from the league. She also gave him some files about him."she was quiet for a moment and then she said "wait... Talia actually cares about him, but why?"that was the question that he didn't have answer to ,he said again and said "I don't know love, I don't know."he answered truthfully.
"Okay. for now let's go and make breakfast for others and for us this time I will try not to burn it."said Starfire"okay but let me get dressed first"said dick as he started to put his pants on Starfire smiled and walked out of the room.

After getting dressed he hurried  downstairs where Starfire was cooking and immediately rush to her too 'help her'. She was making pancakes Dick immediately started to help her and cooked literally everything fried eggs, bacon, made tea and the pancakes. it took them quite a while too do all that and while they were cooking Raven woke up and went downstairs apparently she smelled something delicious and wanted to see what it was then beast boy came and almost everyone except Damien. Raven was at the kitchen and  Starfire asked her to call Damian to have breakfast with them. Raven didn't argue with her  and took the chance to return his jacket to him. She first walk to her room to get his jacket and then walk to his room and knocked on the door, she waited and nothing she knocked again still nothing, then she called out for him still nothing, then she opened the door to see Damian wasn't there and a room looked like there was no one living in there. She knocked  to the bathroom door  thinking he will be there but no sound. then she opened it there was no one there. then she opened the closet to see if his clothes were there it wasn't there. Then the realization hit her. Damien wasn't there and neither his clothes that meant he left she immediately went back to the kitchen to tell star about it, but first she through his jacket on her bed.

"Star! Damian isn't in his room and all of his clothes are gone!" said Raven shocked

Starfire: what?!

Rawen: yeah

Dick:you sure?

Raven: positive.

Dick and Starfire when to Damian's room with Raven just to find out that he wasn't there and he left they had no idea where he could be and Dick immediately called Bruce to let him know that Damian was no longer with  teen titans.

Dick:"Bruce! Damian left we don't know where he might be."

Bruce:"what do you mean he left?!"

Dick: he isn't in his room and his clothes are gone.

Bruce: that complicates things even more.

Raven: dick I think I can track him down. I remembered once in my spell book I saw a spell that can help you truck whoever you want, but it needs time so I can give it a shot.

Dick: Bruce did you heard that?

Bruce: yes. And how long will it take?

Dick: how long?

Raven: it's complicated but with the right tools I think I will be able to track him down at night

That was all what Bruce wanted to hear. Raven immediately started to look for that spell book it didn't took her long because she read it recently, but it needed some time to search for him.most important part was that she needed to have something that she can search him with good thing she had his jacket. It took her couple of hours and Starfire sometimes we did with her and gave her some food. After what felt like a decade she finally found him. it was already night at this point. she immediately rushed downstairs to tell everyone.
"I found him he's in las Vegas."she said "Bruce Raven just found him he's in las Vegas."said dick.


It took me quite a while to write this I need a best chapter and I think it's okay it's not the best but it's not the worst you know thank you all for sticking up and supporting me whether it will be a vote or I comment it means a lot and by the way I don't think I will be uploading anytime soon I'm kind of busy right now but we will see love you guys! And bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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