chapter 2

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"well"said starfire crossing her arms over her chest."we are waiting for you to explain way the five assassins tried to kill you!"

"What is there to explain?I already told you the whole story of why the assassins are trying to kill me, it's because I stole something from them and that's why they want to kill me and return the stolen item."

"I get that but how did you manage to steal that item? or what is that item anyways? and who are you exactly? that's not the story, that's the important part of the story. we need a whole story to know what we're dealing with! Start telling everything from the beginning and tell us in details,is that clear?!

"Okay fine I am Demian Donfield. I was little kid when I found out that my father was assassin, then he took me to the League of assassins and trained me to become an assessin. now you guys know who I am and I am sure you guys now understand how I stole the files"before Demian could continue he was interrupted by Raven.

"What files" Raven asked.

Damon sighed and continue to explain. " a few months ago Ras Al Gul's scientists created the most powerful nuclear bomb. But one of the assassins turned out to be a government emissary and he give the government the bomb and the flash drive that contained  the instructions for making the bomb but he didn't know that Ras Al Gul  had two flash drives so when he stole the flash drive Ras Al Gul still had one flash drive. no one know what he needed a nuclear bomb for and I didn't know either but when I found out I immediately started making a plan on how to steal the flash drive."

" and what did Ras Al Gul  need a nuclear bomb for?" Superboy ask for everyone else.

" Ras Al Gul  always wanted the world to neal before him. nobody will stop him, if he needs to he will kill millions of people with a nuclear bomb, just so he could have his way. I mean he is a madman what did you guys expect?"

"I see. so about that flash drive, do you have it right now? can we see it?"side Starfire curious to see nuclear bomb files.

"Yes I do have it. but I'm not going to give you because I do not trust you, any of you."Damian replied with unreadable face and annoyance in his voice.

"Okay, I understand. but we are superheroes and we just can't trust your words, you have to give us some proof that you are saying the truth."Starfire replied

Damien sighed she had a point they just couldn't trust him just because he said something that was related to truth he had too show prove to them. It was a hard choice but with superheroes help he could save millions of people so he agreed"fine I will show you just give me the computer to show you the nuclear bomb files"Starfire nod her head and told one of the superheroes blue beetle to bring a computer after that felt like 5 minutes he came back with the computer and Damian took a flash drive from his pocket which nobody thought existed and plugged it to computer in a second he opened the files and show them a nuclear bomb files. What they saw shocked them.

Total destructive radius:

If Tsar bomba explodes it cold produce a mushroom cloud 60 km high can destroy 55 km from ground zero with damage to bullying scene from 100 km away.

After reading those words they were silent for a while and then start spoke up"you say want this flash drives so badly why don't you just destroy it and disable never going to have it if it's destroyed right?"

"That's the thing, I can't destroy it. I tried everything, I tried to blowing it up, I tried shooting it with a gun, I tried throwing it in a water, nothing happened it's untouchable it doesn't even have a scratch after I shoot it five times." said Damian now facetrated

"Wait what you tried to blow it up or shoot it how's that possible that doesn't have a scratch"said beast boy confused and amused.

"I think it's protected by magic and if it is protected by magic I know who did it but there is nothing we can do about it"inserted Damian

"If it is enchanted by magic then I could break the spell and destroy it"said raven thinking that her magic will be useful in here but spoilers it didn't work first she tried to break the protection spell that had it didn't work that magic was really ancient and she didn't know how to break it then she tried to destroy it which miserably failed.

"See... it didn't work. I didn't want to say it, but I told you  so"said Damian making raven annoyed.

"No one likes people who say 'I told you so'Damien or whatever your name is."so driving obviously annoyed and angry.

"Okay! we will figure out something, but tonight we should all rest it's already 1:00 p.m. we should go to bed and tomorrow we figure something out okay?"it said Starfire calming everyone down and trying to look  worried.

Damien immediately took the time to flash drive and put it in his pocket, before Starfire could continue.

"Okay everyone go to your rooms raven could you please show Damian his room and Damien you are staying here if you wanted or not am I clear?!"said Starfire not giving any room for he's answer and simply just walked away.

Before Damien cold reply Starfire just walked away he got really annoyed. come over here Reiven could out to him, showing him a way to his room when they finally got to the collidor full of rooms she told him that room right next to her's was his after entering to his room he straight up laid on the bed and talk to himself this is going to be a long adventure.

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