𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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„How long until we get there?", I asked Elijah, my driver, for the fifth time. He threw an annoyed glance at me but answered with a calm voice: „15 more minutes."

Even though I didn't want to go to a boarding school, I was getting a bit excited. New school, new people but most importantly; new friends. The „friends" I had at home were just using me, as I found out about a week ago.

There was one problem with the boarding school though. And this problem wasn't one you could just ignore. It was an all boys school. I tried to convince my father, not to force me to go there, but somehow he managed to get me in the car I'm in now. He went to the school decades ago and now desperately wants his only child to step in his footsteps.

After fifteen minutes, the black Porsche I was seated in drove through the entrance gate of Dark Meadows Academy. The school was breathtaking. The main building had some towers and looked like a literal castle. The entrance door was big and wooden with a filigrane pattern and golden door handles. The second building, that I identified as the gym looked exactly the same. In front of the buildings was neatly clean mowed lawn that had a few stone paths leading through them. On the left was a small pond with some plants around it and behind that stood some tables and trees, a few boys sitting and chatting around the area. All their eyes shot to our car when they heard the engine, now I was feeling a bit nervous.

Elijah stopped the car and got out to open the door for me. I gave him a thankful look and waited for instructions on what to do, safe to say I was a bit lost.

Suddenly, the big wooden door flung open and a grumpy looking man began to make his way towards me. When he came to a halt in front of me, he began to speak: „Welcome Miss Sanches. I hope you had a nice drive. I'm Dark Meadows principal, William Davis. Follow me, someone is already waiting to show you around and hand you your timetable."

I just nodded and shot a polite smile at him while Elijah came up to us again with all of my luggage, which contained about one million suitcases and bags. We both quickly followed principal Davis, who walked in an almost unnatural fast pace. I almost had to run to keep up with him.

After principal Davis led us into the building, he walked up to a boy who was seated in a chair made out of the same filigrane wood and pattern as the entrance door. The boy quickly stood up when he saw the three of us walking towards him. Now I finally got a better look at him. He actually was really good looking. He had high cheekbones and blue eyes. He had a perfect nose and brunette hair, which looked messy but still very neat. He was about 6'2.

„Ophelia, this is Luis, Luis this is Ophelia. I'll leave you two alone now. Luis, you know what to do. And Elijah, you can follow me. We will take the elevator to get all the luggage into Miss Sanches room.", said principal Davis with an natural voice.

I gave him a thumbs up, put quickly stopped and cringed at my own move. When Elijah and the principal walked around the corner, Luis smiled at me: „Hi, I'm Luis. But you already know that. Follow me, I'll show you your room, the dining room, classroom and everything. Sadly you don't have an own room, you have to share it with one person. I'll tell you more about that later."

He seems nice, I hope we can be friends. I nodded: „Alright." Luis smiled at me again.

After about an hour we finally came to the end of our tour and Luis opened the door to my room for me, let me walk in, followed and closed the door behind him.

The room was really nice, not like you expect it from a dorm. It was big and had two beds with fully white sheets in it, one on each wall. Next to each bed stood a white little bedside table. Both had a small lamp standing on them and on one also stood an alarm clock and a few books. On the wall that you look at when you enter the room were two while big closets. On the wall next to the door stood two, also white, desks with chairs. One of them had a few pencils, school books, a laptop and a block nearly laying to it. Two windows stood open above each bed.That was it, it may sound a little plain, but it was actually really nice. My luggage was already here.

I tiredly let myself fall onto the bed my luggage was parked in front of. Luis laughed and spoke: „Soooo Ophelia Sanches... why are you here? This is an all boys school after all."

I sighed: „My father went to Dark Meadows probably like 300 years ago and wants his only child to step in his footsteps. I don't know how he convinced me and the school, but somehow he did."

He nodded understanding, then suddenly had a look on his face that looked like he just remembered something he forgot to tell me: „Oh and your roommate, he is a bit special. He is one of the most popular boys of the school. Ares Hernandes. Him and his friends are like the bad boys of the school. Alexander Lopez, Lucien Grey, Killian West and Zayn Cyprus. Those are his friends. They're all at swimming practice right now, so I sadly can't be here when you meet them 'cause I also have to go to practice now. I'll give you my number in case you need something or just want to hang out." He winked at the last part.

After Luis and I said our goodbyes, I slowly started to unpack. First I put all of my clothes in the huge closet, then started to decorate a bit. I placed a few plants in the desk, the windowsill and the bedside table. I put all my books in a shelf and finally unpacked all my school supplies.

It was already 7 pm when I finally finished unpacking all my stuff. Half an hour until dinner starts. It was time to choose an outfit to impress everyone and finde loads of new friends! So I started searching for the best of the best in my closet.

After a lot of redeciding, I finally chose a dark blue low waisted jeans and a red long sleeve top, paired with my red converse. I put on some lipgloss and mascara and after a quick look in the mirror, I started to make my way down the halls of Dark Meadows to the dining room.

A few students walked past me while I tried to not get lost, but finally I gave up and just followed the crowd.

A lot of smiles and interested looks from boys later, I got to the dining room and waited in line to get my food. I looked around and noticed, that the boys here were actually pretty good looking.

After I got my food, it was time to decide where to sit. I let my gaze wander over the tables which a lot of groups were sitting and chatting on. But they all didn't really look like they would appreciate a new member in their group. So I did the probably dumbest thing to go at a new school. I walked over to an empty table.

I put my food on the dark, wooden table and let myself fall on the same looking chair. After a few bites, I saw someone letting themselves fall on the chair opposite to me. I looked up into dark brown eyes. I quickly looked him up and down, but stopped when I felt like I was checking him out. He had dirty blonde hair which he styled perfectly, giving it a bit of a messy look. He had a sharp jawline and light circles under his eyes. He looked about 6'2 and wore a plain white shirt, paired with a few rings.

A few moments later, 4 more boys sat next to us on the chairs. After a few more moments, the blonde one began to speak: „Hi, I'm Alexander. Call me Alex. And these", he began pointing to the other four boys, „are Lucien, Ares, Killian and Zayn. You must be Ophelia."

Lucien had dark brown hair and black, fluffy looking hair. He had high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. He looked tall, about the same hight as the Alexander guy. He wore a black shirt and a Vivienne Westwood necklace.

Ares had the bluest eyes I've ever seen that seemed to pierce right through me and into my soul. He also had fluffy looking, messy styled hair. He was about 6'3 and wore cold expression, like he's hiding something. He had a sharp jawline and veiny hands. His fingers were decorated by a few rings and a silver cross necklace was hanging around his neck.

Killian had pretty, green eyes and brunette, fluffy hair. He also was about 6'2 and had a sternly looking look placed on me. He wore a white pearl necklace and a dark green shirt.

And lastly, Zayn. He had dark brown eyes and blond, messy styled hair. He was about the same hight as the others, maybe a bit smaller. He wore a white shirt with some black printing on it. He also wore some rings on his veiny hands.

„Yeah that's right. I'm Ophelia. Nice to meet you all.", I answered, sending everyone a quick smile.

Okay guys, this was the first chapter. It may was a bit boring but I promise it will get better!
I would be happy about tips and your opinion about the chapter!
I will try to update tomorrow or the day after, luv u! 💓

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