𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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The boys all wore pretty much the same. Dark jeans and a dark shirt, leaving a few buttons unbuttoned. They were all waiting in our room as I got ready. I put on makeup and straightened my hair. I was pretty satisfied with the result.

„What do you think?", I asked the boys as I grabbed my bag and shoes.

„You look gorgeous Lia! Probably because of the help I offered for choosing the dress.", Alex said, which made me roll my eyes while smiling.

„Alright, let's go.", Lucien said while typing something on his phone. We all walked to the door and Killian opened it for all of us. I walked next to d Ares and the rest of the boys were walking behind us as I got a message. It was number I didn't know.

Hey, it's Elliot. The guy from Starbucks, remember? :) There's a party at my friends house tonight and I wanted to ask if you would want to come? I'll be there!

I quickly answered. Ares tried to look at my phone but I turned my phone, so that he could look at the screen, which earned me a confused look.

Hey Elliot! I'm already on my way to a party with some friends, maybe we're talking about the same one hahah. What's your friends name? :)

„What's the guys name that invited you to the party?", I asked Killian, who was now also walking next to me.

„Calum I think?", Killian said while looking at Alex, who gave him a nod. I just gave them a thump up. Elliot texted me the same name, so we planned to meet at the party. Ares was still looking at me and tried to get a glance at my phone.

This time, we drove in Killians car. Ares said something about his car being in some repair shop. The problem was, Killian drove a Porsche with only 5 seats. That meant, someone had to sit on someone else's lap. And of course, they chose that someone to be me. Just because „I'm the lightest".

After the boys almost fought for a bit, they came to the solution that I'll sit on Ares' lap. Can this situation get any worse? I just wanna die right now.

Killian sat in the drivers seat and Alex sat next to him on the passenger seat. Zayn sat on the right, Lucien sat in the middle and me and Ares sat on the left.

I slowly let my head sink against the cold car window and observed the trees and few cars that were passing us. I couldn't really find a comfortable position, so I kept shifting on Ares lap.

„Stop fucking moving Ophelia.", he whispered in my ear with a deep, rough voice, pressing his lips together. I just mumbled a quick sorry. I still wasn't very comfortable but I don't want Ares to kill me if I moved only one more inch.

For the rest of the ride, everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence, except for the music that Killian was quietly blasting through the speakers.

When we came to the house the party was in apparently, I could already hear loud music. A few empty cans of beer were lying around in the neat garden. Some people were walking and talking in the garden. This was my first ever real party, second party, if you count a party without real alcohol when I was 8.

Killian parked his car behind some other cars and opened his door. The others were also getting out als Ares was also opening our door. He let me get out first and cleared his throat awkwardly after getting out himself and closing the door. I straightened my dress and shifted from one foot to the other.

Alex and Killian were walking next to each other and were talking something. Zayn was walking next to me and Lucien and Ares were walking behind us. I still felt Ares stare burning into the back of my head.

Zayn apparently noticed me being a bit uncomfortable so he laid his arm around my shoulders and chuckled: „Don't sorry Lia, well look out for you. Just don't move too far away from us."

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