𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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I woke up to my favorite sound ever. My alarm. Note the sarcasm. Today was already Friday, which meant two things: firstly, it's finally weekend. Secondly, the party is today and I have nothing to wear. Also, please don't ask why I started school on a Wednesday because I don't event know myself.

After I finally shut down my alarm, I slowly got up. Ares was already up and searching for something in his closet. I yawned before looking at him awkwardly: „Good morning." Hopefully he's just forgotten about yesterday, or maybe, he didn't even think it was that big of a deal? LETS PRAY.

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head while answering: „Good morning Ophelia." Okay, looks like he hasn't forgotten about it. Kill me please. I quickly grabbed my uniform that was laying on my desk chair and slipped into the bathroom. I got on the uniform, put on a bit of makeup and did my hair.

After brushing my teeth, I stepped out of my bathroom and into the room, in which Lucien, Zayn, Alex and Killian were already waiting. Of course, sitting on my bed.

Ares also went to the bathroom and got out after about 7 minutes. He wore the uniform, just like me and the boys.

„Okayyy bitches, let's go to breakfast.", Zayn said which made us all laugh and nod. When we walked through the halls of Dark Meadows, I noticed the weird looks from all the other students again.

„They're just looking at you 'cause you get to hang out with the cool ones. Us.", Zayn said, smirking. Today, he was a lot more talkative than yesterday and the day before. Maybe he just needed a bit time to warm up to me. Now, the only one I have to get to love me anymore is Lucien. As a friend of course.

„Of course.", I said sarcastically, grinning.

„No, really, it's true. We're the cool ones here. The badboys that get all the girls.", Killian agreed.

„Yeah I know. I already heard that from Luis. Why do you even like me? Or do you just want to fuck?", I asked while wiggling my eyebrows.

„Of course, we just want to fuck. All day and night long. That's the only reason we're friends with you.", Ares said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, having a small smirk on his face.

„Well, I have to disappoint you guys. You're just not on my level. I'm so much cooler that all of you will ever be.", I said while trying to keep a straight face while the others burst out in laughter, which I eventually joined.

We entered the dining hall and went to the food queue while still laughing a little.

The boys and I got our food and we searched for an empty table. I let myself fall on the chair while yawning. 7am is definitely too early for me. Who has the idea to make school start at 8am?! It would be so chilled if it was in the evening. When my brain is fully functional.

After breakfast, me and the boys walked to the class wing. In the first lesson, I had french with Lucien. Luckily, it was one of my good subjects.

We said goodbye to Ares, Zayn, Alex and Killian and walked to the classroom.

„You can sit next to me if you want.", Lucien said. I gave him a thumbs up and smiled. My chance to get him on my side.

Lucien and I were now seated in the middle of the third row, him on the right and me on the left.

We still had a bit time until the teacher would come, so we talked until she would get here.

„Hey, did you know that it's parent-visiting day this Sunday? Will your mom or dad come? I want to know who you derive from.", he smirked at me.

„Oh, uhm, I don't know. My dad probably won't come, we don't have the best realationship.", I answered quietly.

„Oh, well, you should definitely text him. Parents day is always chilly.", he answered while he patted my back.

„Fineee.", I answered. I pulled out my phone. My dads last message to me „answer your fucking phone Ophelia". I just rolled my eyes and ignored the message.

It took me quite some time to figure out what to text him, but in the end I was pretty okay with my message.

Hey dad.
It's parents-visiting day on Sunday and my friends want to get to know you, so I wanted to ask you if you want to come?

Keep it short.

After I send the message, the teacher entered the room. She was blonde and wore a high bun. She was around 35 and pretty tall. Taller than me but not as tall as Ares or Killian or the others.

She greeted the class and began the lesson. Me and Lucien kept talking the whole lesson, something that the teacher, Miss Thomas, didn't like that much.

After school, I went to my room and texted Alex to come over. He said he would help me with choosing what to wear tonight.

He came to Ares any my room and laid down on my bed. I quickly grabbed one of the three dresses I had to choose from and went to the bathroom. I got it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was navy, short and had long sleeves.

I got out of the bathroom and did a dramatic spin for Alex to examine dress number 1.

„Hmm sorry Lia but that dress is not it. 4 out of 10.", he said as I came to a halt next to him. So, I grabbed the second dress and did the same in the bathroom. This dress was a red, strapless one. Not gonna lie, I felt a bit like a whore in it. I just ignored that feeling and got out of the bathroom.

„If you want to fuck everyone that's on the party, you should definitely wear that one. I almost get hard just from looking at you when you wear this.", he explained calmly.

„Okay, woah, too much information. I'll get the last one on.", I answered, taken back.

Dress number 3 was a silk white one with spaghetti straps. It was one of my favorite dresses, I got it from my maid for a party once.

„Okay, this is it! 11 out of 10, you should definitely wear this!", he said while examining me in the dress even more.

„Alrightly, take a picture and send it to the others, please. I want to know what they think of it.", I said while smiling.

He did as I asked and shortly after, everyone answered.

Lucien: looks pretty

Zayn: fits her, she should wear it

Killian: omg yess it looks so good on Lia

Ares: looks good

„Omg. I think this is the first time I've ever seen Ares give a compliment to anyone.", Alex said, a little overreacting while gasping.

I just shrugged my shoulders while smiling to myself.

Second chapter today, let's goooo. What did you think of the chapter? The next chapter is gonna be extra long cause of the party. I'll probably update tomorrow morning or evening!
I would love to hear your thoughts about the chapter! Luv you and thanks for all the support! 💓💓💓

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