𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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„I'm never drinking again."

„Yeah, right, that's what you say now," Alex smirked at my miserable form, my head laying on the table, my Starbucks drink wasn't in my field of view.

I didn't think that having a hangover was gonna be this bad and having my head working about 100 things at the same time didn't make it any better.

Shortly after I woke up today, the boys explained everything that happened yesterday night. And to say I had a lot of questions was an understatement.

Why would Elliot do something like that?

How could I let that happen?

Why was the music in this Starbucks so loud?

What do I remember?

But my biggest question: how could Alex still be his normal self?! Didn't he also feel like jumping off a bridge would be better than anything right now? I mean, he also drank pretty much yesterday. But no, instead, he sat there, still grinning at me.

Somehow, he convinced me to go to Starbucks with him, the others were still at Dark Meadows. Looks like I was the only one to willingly come with him, what pretty fast turned into the biggest mistake I ever made. I wish I could just snuggle into my covers and never wake up again. My head was pounding, my limbs were weak, everything was way to loud and I looked like vampire straight out of Vampire Diaries after not getting any blood for a million years. If I hadn't mentioned it yet, that's also how I felt.

„By the way, parents visiting day is in a week. Ares asked me if any family of yours is gonna come 'cause if so, he would put them on the list.", Alex said after a short silence.

I lifted my head. Fuck, that's already in a week? I surely wasn't looking forward to seeing my father. Quite the opposite actually, I was actually a bit scared. He said he wanted to meet his old classmates again. That's the reason he flew here, all the way back from California.

Alex raised his eyebrows and gave me a questioning look as I didn't answer. „Uh, yeah. My father wants to come. Christians Sanches. But why a list?" „Oh, they need a list of everyone that's gonna come to make name cards, cook enough food, get enough chairs and stuff like that." Alex explained before turning back to his phone, probably telling Ares my answer.

„You don't seem too happy about seeing your father. Any reason?", Alex asked after laying his phone back down, turning his attention fully to me now.

I shook my head: „No, we just don't have exactly the best relationship but nothing to worry about." Lie. There were definitely some things to worry about.

Things like the small scar next to my eye because he threw the TV remote at me because I couldn't make the television work. Things like the not so small scar that decorated my shoulder, reaching all the way down to under my chest because I didn't clean the windows the way he wanted to, he just smashed me against the glass, what made it break and made me get an permanent mark from it the glass. Yeah, just some stuff like that.

After finishing our drinks Alex drove us back to the Academy in his dark red mustang. Did these guys also own cars with more than 2 seats? No? Didn't think so.

Back at the dorms, Alex led me to his room where the other were already sprawled out all over the floor. I watched Alex walk over to them while laughing about something one of the others must've said. I was so tired, I didn't even really register it. I just made my way over to one of the beds in the room and let myself fall on it, my eyes already fluttering shut as I positioned my head on the pillow, hearing Killian say something to me that made the others laugh.

I hate this so much 💀 Also sorry that this chapter is so short, I just felt the need to post something, can't let u guys wait. 😙
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter, although it's pretty short. Please vote and comment, love ya! 💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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