𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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„The fuck?! Get out of here!", Ares yelled at Lucien, Zayn, Alex and Killian. They quickly left after seeing Ares' angry face. After they closed the door, I looked at the time. 6:43am. My alarm will go off in two minutes. I turned it off and then finally looked at Ares. He was already staring at me. „Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. You could've just woken me up to go to bed yourself.", I apologized to him.

„It's fine, don't worry about it.", he answered in a monotonous yet soft voice. He had nothing on him that reminded me of the angry Ares he was just a few moments ago. He almost looked... nice?

Anyway, I got up and pulled open the curtains. The sun was shining but it was already mid october, so it was probably about 10 degrees celcius.

While Ares made his way to his closet, I grabbed my school uniform and slurped into the bathroom. The uniform consisted of a dark blue skirt and a white shirt with a necktie in the same dark blue with the logo of the school on the bottom. As well as a blazer in the same color. I had to admit it was cute. I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth. Styled my hair a bit and put on a bit of makeup. I then let Ares enter the bathroom who already wore his uniform. He wore the same as me, except that he wore dark blue pants.

I was starting to get more and more nervous, it was my first day on a new school after all. Suddenly, the other boys stumbled into the room, they all were already dressed and laughing. „Well who do we have here? Oh, I know! Ares new girlfriend.", Zayn was pointing at me.

„Shut up you idiot. It was nothing. I just had a nightmare!", I snapped at him, trying to hide my laugh.

The 4 just laughed even more while letting themselves fall on my bed. „Sure, sit wherever you like!", I smiled. Please note the sarcasm.

Ares now also came out of the bathroom, freshly styled: „Ready. Let's go to breakfast." He grabbed his backpack and then made his way to the door. I copied his moves.

I somehow ended up walking next to Ares with Alex and Killian walking in front of us and Zayn and Lucien walking behind us. Zayn came up behind us and each laid an arm on our shoulders: „Well you lovebirds, I wanna be a groomsman!" „Uhhhh, me toooo!", Alex yelled.

„Fuck off. I thought we settled that.", Ares answered with an annoyed yet amused voice while I just rolled my eyes, laughing.

Lucien now also walked next to us and had a look on his face like he just had an enlightenment: „By the way, there is a party this friday. I already told the girl who's house the party is at that we'd come!"

Everyone just nodded. „Me too?", I asked, kind of hoping they'd say yes. „Of course you'll come Ophe- you know what? Ophelia is way too long. I'll call you Lia from now on.", Alex answered enthusiastically.

I gave him a thumps up with a big grin on my face. I could use a party to get my mind on something else. Ohhh, and to make even more friends. Even though it's already a miracle I made friends. I mean 6 friends? That's pretty good for my first day if you ask me. And a nickname? I love it.

We now finally entered the dining hall, where a lot of boys were already seated, eating and talking. I saw Luis sitting on a table with two other boys. One had black hair and one hand light brown. Luis smiled at me and I smiled back.

„Excuse me for a second, alright guys? I'll talk to Luis for a second. Can you already get my food?", I smiled at them with puppy eyes. They just sighed but nodded shortly after.

So I made my way to Luis' table. I smiled at him again: „Hi! How are you?" He smiled back while answering: „Heyyy, I'm good. Already made friends?" Luis smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. „Yeah, you know. I'm pretty popular. Probably because I'm so cool.", I smirked back while talking over enthusiastically, „Anyway, sorry, but I gotta go now. My friends are waiting for me."

We said our goodbyes and I walked back over to the table the boys were sitting at. I let myself fall on the chair next to Lucien and Alex. Ares, Killian and Zayn were sitting opposite from us.

We talked for a bit and after about 25 minutes we got up to leave and go to our first classes. After we compared our timetables, we noticed that I had all of my classes with at least one of the guys. My first class was maths, which I had with Killian, Lucien and Zayn.

After we walked out of the dining room, I just followed the boys because I have to admit, I was completely lost. They lead me into the school wing of Dark Meadows and after a few turns and stairs, we separated from Alex and Ares. Lucien, Killian and Zayn opened the door to a classroom and then held it open for me. I quickly thanked them before letting my gaze wander around the classroom. Almost all seats were already taken and the boys walked to the back of the classroom, having me following them. „You can sit with me if you want Lia.", Zayn said, which I happily agreed on. He sat down next to the window and I let myself fall on the chair next to him. I unpacked my books and pencil case.

„Just to warn you, our maths teacher is an absolute asshole. He always tries to make things as hard as they can be.", Zayn whispered into my ear while an about 50 year old man entered the room. He looked like he was on the deepest point of his mid life crisis. He was about 5'9, a bit taller than me. His hair was black, but I saw a few grey strands striking through it.

I kept observing the teacher, who's name was Clarke, as Zayn told me.

After the lesson I knew one more thing. Zayn underestimated completely. Mister Clarke was the worst teacher I've ever had. The only thing he did basically the whole lesson was yell. He didn't even notice I was there I think.

The other teachers I met over the day were pretty okay. History, french and physics.

After school I somehow convinced the boys to go to Starbucks with me, which is why we were in Ares' car now. Sadly, Lucien and Zayn didn't want to come. The guys also let me choose the music, which was a huge mistake (Ares and Killians words). Now Taylor Swift was blasting through the speakers and me and Alex sang along. Killian and Ares where sitting in the front and talked about something I didn't understand.

Heyyy, I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry that it's not that long. Do you have any wishes for the next chapters?
Would love for you to comment or vote!
I'll probably update tomorrow.
Luv you guys 💓

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