𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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I woke up to the sunlight shining through my eyelids. My throat was itching and my head was craving an ibuprofen right now. I didn't even bother opening my eyes fully, feeling the familiar stuffed animal I brought everywhere since I got it when I was four under my torso, I knew I was back at Dark Meadows.

My attempt to move didn't go very well, something pulling me back. At first I didn't bother to try again but the covers were wrapped around me weirdly and I couldn't take it anymore.

My second attempt to move went better. The attempt went good, the consequences weren't as good because now I was being faced by a hard chest.

What the fuck?

At first I was frozen but after the person next to me mumbled something about going back to sleep, my eyes shot up.

I would've expected a lot of things but to see Ares with a a peaceful face and closed eyes next to me.

What. Is. Going. On.

After a few moments of staring and suffering in my thoughts (and headache), I got back to my senses.

I shot up, now sitting vertically, the covers laying on me like a thick belt. I looked back at the sleeping body next to me after he mumbled some incomprehensible words.

Somehow I didn't feel my skintight dress on me and after looking down, I saw an unfamiliar, black shirt sitting loosely on my body. The same thought as shortly before crossed my mind.

What. Is. Going. On.

What happened last night?

———The night before———
Ares' POV

I looked out of the window and saw Ophelia standing in an excluded area with that Elliot guy. Something about him was unsettling to me. He just gave me weird vibes. I didn't want him hanging around Ophelia.

After taking a sip of my cup, I went to get a refill. This is going to be a long night.

Shortly after, I came back to the window. The view I had now wasn't as sweet as the bitter taste of alcohol on my tongue. I saw Ophelia trapped between Elliot and the wall and it didn't look like she wanted to be in that situation. I felt rage fill my body as I saw her trying to push the boy away, he didn't bother to move though.

I took a glance at my friends. They were sitting on the kitchen counter, laughing and telling stories that I only understood partially. They weren't any use to me right now.

I looked back out the window. Their lips were almost touching now and Ophelia looked like she was about to black out.

Without even really realizing it, I stomped in the gardens direction and rushed through the door. The rage was taking me over.

The two were a few meters away from me now and without really thinking, I took a few wide steps. My fist met Elliot's jaw. The boys head flew back and he stumbled to the ground. I was about to do some not very legal things to him, but the I remembered Ophelia.

She slid down the wall and had already closed her eyes. I heard the others push down the door behind me. They shot questions at me, I didn't really register it though.

All I could think of was my worry for Ophelia. It was an new, unpleasant feeling for me, I don't even know why I cared so much about her, we barely knew each other for a month.

I quickly bent down to her and picked her up in bridal style. Her eyes were shut now. I quietly whispered in her ear while carrying her out of the house and to the car: „Everything's going to be alright ,Ophelia. I'll protect you."

Ophelia's POV

I looked around for my phone, shortly after, I found it laying on the floor next to my bed. I quickly picked it up and looked at the time. 2:43pm.

I groaned.

Suddenly I felt an big hand on my back and flinched. My head shot back to Ares who was now looking up at me with a sleepy expression on his face: „Hey, are you alright? Want me to get some water for you?"

I just answered with the first thing that came to my mind: „What the fuck? Why are you in my bed?" Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind: „Did we.."

„No we didn't do anything sexual if that's your question. I'm just in your bed because you asked me to."'

I did what?

Heyyyy. Finally an update after years of waiting. Sorry, this chapter isn't very long.
What are your thoughts on this chapter? I think I shouldn't write in Ares POV anymore, it just doesn't really flow.
Also, I feel like this story is in a lack of emotions. Is it just me?

Please comment and vote 💗

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