𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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„Sooo... why are you here? I mean it's not common to have a girl at an all boys school.", the Killian guy began to speak in a deep voice.

The same question I've already gotten a lot and probably will still get a lot. So I explained the whole story again. The boys nodded a few time while I told the story but they didn't interrupt me in any way.

I pressed my lips together after I finished talking, but no one was really talking. Until Killian started to talk again while smirking: „Okay. Different topic. This guy here," he slightly slapped the guy who I think was Ares on the back, „is Ares. He'll be sharing a room with you."

Ares just rolled his eyes as I shortly smiled at him. I fell all the eyes of the other students on me, but I tried to ignore it the best I could. So I started talking, this time to Ares: „I closed the windows, I hope that's okay. It was freezing cold." I especially pronounced the „freezing" part to make my point.

Ares just mumbled something along the lines I don't care and then concentrated on his food. This time Zayn started talking: „Ares isn't really the most talkative, but he's quite okay when you get to know him. He just has to warm up a little." Zayn smiled at me which I returned gladly.

After a lot of more talking and a lot of stares from the other table, it was time to go back into my room. I figured that Alex was the „talker" of the group. Zayn and Killian were also really nice, Ares and Lucien were more of the quiet and mysterious kind.

We all walked up to the dorms together. Killian and Lucien were sharing a room, Alex and Zayn were also. And of course me and Ares. When we got into our room, we didn't really talk much.

Luckily we had our own bathroom, so I didn't have to share one with some gross boys. Ares was pretty clean and didn't let anything lay around for too long.

I quickly got changed and then got in bed. I was really exhausted from the long day. I checked my phone but then put it away to sleep when I didn't see any important new messages apart from about 10 million missed calls from my dad and 30 messages from him. I skillfully ignored them.

„Is it okay if I still leave the light on to read a little?", Ares asked me. „Of course, leave it on as long as you want!", I, the kind person that I am, responded.

Fastly I fell asleep.

I ran across the dark corridors which seemed like they'd never end. They seemed so familiar yet so strange. How often did I play in them with my maid or with my barbies? How often did I run from my dad in them in fear he would hit me again? I heard fast and loud footsteps. I heard yelling, but it sounded like it was miles away and I was under water. I felt the tears streaming down my face in fear of him. In fear of my dad. Suddenly, the long corridors came to an end. I didn't see any doors to escape. I didn't see any way out. It was a dead end. The yelling and footsteps got louder and even more intimidating. I crouched into the corner of the room and tried to hide my face so he couldn't see I was scared. He would torture me even more when I showed him how scary he was. He didn't want a weak child that was breakable so easily.

I woke up almost dripping from sweat and heavily breathing. When I looked up, I saw Ares towering over me with a concerned look on his face: „Hey, uhm, are you okay? Did you have nightmare? Do you need anything?"

I was a bit confused about the now so caring Ares, but also very thankful: „Sorry. I really didn't want to bother you or wake you up. It's fine, you can go back to sleep."

„No really it's fine. I can stay here until you fall back asleep if you want. It's no problem.", he answered in a low, soft voice. I was still a bit shocked about the suddenly so caring and open Ares, but I really didn't know what to say anymore so I just nodded slowly and whispered a quiet thanks.

As I closed my eyes, I felt my bed sink in next to me as Ares got into a kind of sitting, laying position. I felt his hand slowly drawing circles on my back as I drifted back to sleep. This time it was a deep and dreamless one.

I woke up to giggling and the sound of photos getting taken. I still wasn't fully awake so I just snuggled into my pillow, which was a lot harder than when I remembered it.

I couldn't go back to sleep so I now fully opened my eyes and looked up. My „pillow" wasn't exactly my pillow but a leg. Ares leg. My head was placed in ARES FUCKING LAP. He now also woke up. The giggling came from the other boys which were standing on front of my bed and taking pictures of me and Ares. Kill me please.

I know this chapter isn't very long, SORRY. I wrote this in the middle of the night with my phone on 2%. Tomorrows will be longer, I promise!
What do you think of this chapter? And the whole book? Would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Luv y'all! 💓💓

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