Chapter three- A dance to remember~ (day 2)

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________'s POV

I freeze, knowing that ciel is awake. He gently takes my hair out if my face and places it behind my ear.

"Good M-morning Earl Phantomhive..."

My feelings pretty much explode in my chest. He quietly let's out a puff of air as he closes in on my face with his. We have about 2 centimeters distance.

He just smirks and backs away.

I wanted to kiss him, he's engaged... so I really shouldn't feel this way about him.

I hear someone's throat in the doorway. I look over and see it's Elizabeth. 

"What are you doing with my fiancee?"

"Nothing... I woke up like this.."

"Really? Good cause he's all mine! MINE!!" She squeals and giggles as she walks off.

Ciel has one eye closed, I wonder what he's hiding on his eye?

Sebastian walks in and ties an eye patch over his eye. Then he hands Ciel a cup of tea.

"Would you like me to get one for lady ________ too?"

Ciel glances over and I nod my head.

"Yes... be sure it isn't cold."

"Yes, my Lord." It seems as if it were a blink if an eye and Sebastian was gone. He came back about 30 seconds later with some more Earl Grey tea.

I take a sip and it's perfect.

"Thank you."

Ciel finishes his tea and sets it on the silver tray. After a few moments I do the same. I stand up and glance at Ciel, getting a good look at his profile.

His blank expression isn't anything like I saw this morning. He looked gentle, he looked kind and warm. Now he looks cold and hard. Heartless even. He stands.

"Go have Mey-Rin get you a dress for today. I don't want you going home in the same dress you came, and I think it would be somewhat embarrassing for you to go home in my night gown..."

"Oh, most certainly... thanks." I take a step out of the room and Mey-Rin is already there.

"I already have a dress for you miss, yes I do!"

"Alright..." I follow her to my room and she assists me in a cerulian blue dress.

"Lady ________ you look so beautiful in that color!!!"

"Th-thanks." As I take a look at myself, the color is flattering against my skin tone. It brings out my eyes too. Besides the fact that my hair isn't presentable.

I open the door and Sebastian is standing there, with a small box.

"It's a gift from my master."

"Tell him I said thank you please."

"Yes lady ________" 

Sebastian hands me the box and walks away, when I open the box, I see a beautiful hair clip. I slightly gasp at its magnificent appearance. I don't think im fit to wear something this expensive.

"Oh boy! Ciel must really like you! He doesn't even give lady Elizabeth gifts! Hardly anyways..."

"Thank you Mey-Rin... can you do my hair?"

"Yes I can!" Mey quickly does my hair. It looks beautiful.

*small timeskip*

I walk back to ciel and it seems as if Elizabeth has already went home. She forgot about me.

"Did Elizabeth leave?"

"Yes, but she will be back." Ciel's gentle expression returns. He gently grabs my hands in his gently. "Are you alright lady ________? Your shaking..."

My face flushes red.

"I'm fine Ciel, don't worry about it."

"Alright, well on other matters. I'm going to have a ball, and I'd like to know if you would like to stay to attend it."

"Sure I'd love to."

Ciel let's off a small smirk as he slides his cold hand down my arm gently.

"Don't worry about changing your dress, you already look absolutely stunning."


It's time for the ball. I'm waiting in the crowd. Ciel walks down with Elizabeth. 'They look nice together." Nobles surround me in the crowd. And a particular one asks me to dance with him.

"Whats a beautiful young lady like you doing with no dance partner? Would you like to dance?"

He seems around 22 and he has Amber hair with green eyes.

"No thank you sir..."

"Suit yourself darling."

I'd like to tell him that I don't dance, but I suppose it's too late.

I stick to the wall and sip my drink. That is, until Ciel walks up to me.

"My lady ________, would you like the first dance?"


"C'mon mi'lady." Ciel took my hands and practically pulled me onto floor to dance with him. We began to formally dance. Most of the dance he stepped on my foot, and I stepped on his. It was an unusually failed dance, but it was special. I felt a strong connection when I looked into His eye. 'I wonder if he felt that too?'

I hope he did.

I trip in the middle of our dance but luckily Ciel catches me before I fall.
'Im such a klutz'

"S-sorry Ciel, I... I've never learned to dance."

"To tell you the truth, Me neither."

I giggle slightly at his confession. When our dance ends, Ciel leans in and kisses my cheek very gently.

He blushes lightly and I do too.

In unison we both say, "thank you"

I giggle and he lets out a quiet chuckle as we both walk out separate ways. I gently place my hand on my cheek where he had kissed it. I'll be sure to remember that, that and our dance.

I'm just passing the time and things ^-^ y'know?

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