Chapter 5- my little maid~ (day 4)

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Ciel's POV~

I ponder what is going on with ________. I shouldn't feel this way I know it. I could break my engagement with Lizzy, but is it not too late?

I don't love lizzy like a lover, I see her as family, and only family. Though I do suppose it's one of the few things I have left in remembrance of mother and father. They set me up for this, and this is the way it's going to go.

I've traded Sebastian and ________ to give me tea and wake me in the morning, I'd much rather see ________'s smiling face over Sebastian's.

I pretend to fall back asleep so I can see ________ open my curtains.

________ walks in humming a tune, I recognize it as (fav song).

I "tiredly" open my eye as I see her lean over and grab my eye patch. She leans over my face and ties it in the back, I blush knowing how close her chest is to my face.

(Pervy Ciel)

________ pours my tea and quietly gives me a "good morning master"

I somehow feel different when she calls me master, it makes me want to pull her into a hug and give her a passionate kiss. I keep my plain gaze and blank expression, I can't let her know I secretly admire her so much.

Even if I tell her, it won't change anything.

Nonetheless I do enjoy her being my little maid.

"Thank you ________, might I ask you to prepare the bath?"

"Yes sir." She gives me a slight bow then heads to the bathroom and starts the bath.

________'s POV

I enjoy doing little things like this for Ciel. I can see he stays cold and hard on the outside, he just doesn't want an to see through his mask.

I know how he feels for me. Ive even heard him mumble it in his sleep.

I prepare Ciel's bath and quickly walk out as Ciel is getting undressed by Sebastian. I blush taking note of what I almost saw.

I walk into the kitchen and prepare breakfast just as Sebastian ordered me to do. Yesterday Sebastian got me used to everything here.

I make Ciel some (random breakfast) and then place it on the table with proper silverware and setting.


Ciel's POV

I walk down after Sebastian dresses me and I see breakfast is awaiting me. I sit down and eat my breakfast. It's surprisingly really good.

'How is this not Sebastian's cooking?'

It's delicious. It gives me another reason for loving ________ . Not to mention she's beautiful. I wish I could tell her how much I truly love her, but unfortunately suppose this is as close as we can ever get. It being me as her master, her being my little maid.

Sebastian's POV~

I ran a little analysis on ________, it seems her fate is inevitable, and she will be dead in three days, the day that Ciel marries Elizabeth. That's sad, I see how she looks at him, and how he looks at her. If I were a fangirl, I'd be screaming "just kiss already!" at them. They make a better pair than him and Elizabeth.

Even I can't stand Elizabeth.

________ walks by me and dusts the furniture and paintings. How elegant. She looks graceful as she cleans.

No wonder my young master took a liking to her.

She way she handles every thing is alluring. I might even have taking a small liking to her.
No. She's human. Besides, I couldn't do that to my young master.

What a shame.

Ciel's POV~

The manor looks spotless. Not just spotless, extra spotless.

I appreciate that ________ is cleaning my manor diligently.

I find it cute that she has enthusiasm to work, she's happy to do her temporary job.

I finally find ________, she's behind Mey-Rin, catching any plates she drops. That's very considerate of her to rescue my plates from breaking... she's already caught 4.

I take the plates from her hands and put them where they belong, something unusual for me. I never do any work but, something in ________ makes me want to do everything with her.

I'd even ask her to teach me to cook just to spend time with her.

I'm actually going to do that.

"Thank you Master!"

! Oh how cute.

"Oh lady ________, I have a request."

"What is it?"

"I'd like you to teach me to cook."

"Teach you to cook? Sure! I'd love to!"

She sees my face and giggles, only then I realize my bright blush and nervous expression.

Bloody 'ell... now I really look like an inferior imbecile.

"When would you like to learn?"

"In thirty minutes I'd like to see you in the kitchen."

"Got it!"

I walk away and place my fingers to my forehead, thinking out my complex feelings.

Just remember that I love you all ^-^

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