Chapter 7- Jealousy (day 5)

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________'s POV

I awake, in a recognizable room which is not my own. Ciel's room. My disease must have got to me again...

'At least it isn't contagious'

I sit up and feel that my forehead is burning hot, I have a high fever but I'm shivering. my throat feels like it's closing and it's getting harder to breathe.

I begin to choke on my own breath. Ciel jumps awake and pulls me into a hug.


Sebastian runs in and practically sees me dying. He rushes to my aid.

'Could I be dying so soon? I haven't done everything I've wanted to do in life.'

I feel my life force rush back into my body. I'm alive again.

Ciel holds me close to him as I shake and shiver in fear.

"Shh, it's alright lady ________. I have Sebastian to take care of you."

Why is Ciel so comforting all of a sudden? Then again... I enjoy it. His gentle hand runs through my hair and his voice sounds so calm in my ear.

I hear Ciel's manor door bust open again. Who might that be?

Elizabeth's POV~

I can't wait until I'm married to Ciel!

It's going to be such fun!! We're using one of his ballrooms as our location and EEEEEE!! I really hope that I see him smile!

I came to visit my darling fiancee! I dash up to his room but stop as soon as I see what's going on.

________.... She's with Ciel. They're laying in bed together. Hugging. He's doing all the things to her that he should be doing to me! I should be in his embrace! I should be getting comforted and pampered!

________ doesn't know how hard my life is! (Yeah right lizzy T-T...)

________ is stealing my Ciel!!!! MY Ciel!!! I love him!!!

My best friend... spending time with my darling Ciel.

"Ciel, why are you two like this?"

Ciel looks at me coldly.

"Elizabeth, she almost just died and she needs somebody there for her. It was very cruel of you to kick her out when she has no place to stay, so I've told her she can stay with me and work as my temporary maid"

"I..." I begin to shed tears as I see what wrong I've done to my best friend. Nonetheless she's still with my fiancee. That makes me very angry. "I hate you!!! Your ruining my wedding ________!" I run out and into another one of Ciel's rooms.

I sit in the corner and cry, knowing that this isn't what I've wanted. I've messed things up and I don't know if I can fix them.

________'s POV

Ciel stood up for me. Wow, even to his fiancee. He stands up and calls Sebastian over once more. He has Sebastian escort me to the servants room so I can get ready for the day. At 11:00 I'm supposed to give him tea. I suppose Lizzy will be there as well. Sebastian places a hand on my shoulder.

"Lady ________, you're aware you have two days correct?"

"Yes Sebastian... please don't tell anybody, I'd like for it to remain secret until I drop dead."

"Might I ask why?"

"Because... I love Ciel but I don't want to get in the way of him and Lady Elizabeth. Even if he felt the same way I dont want to crush Elizabeth... if she knew she would feel like crap."

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