Part 1-chapter 1- Air Raid

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(Sophie point of view)

The air was lit only by the flashes of fire and light and the continuous sound of banging as the bombs rained down from the sky like rain in a thunderstorm. What were they bombing? They were now bombing fire. The wind howled sweeping up the fire on to the next house, causing the firefighters to lose control. I was scared beyond belief as I pulled the duvet over my tossed up brown hair. I didn't feel safe as I cowered further down shaking from terror. Across the room my older sister Lucy was sleeping soundly in her bed until a massive bang was heard, that shook the house so much that we screamed in fright. Lucy was now wide awake and there was no way that either of us was going to relax.

Just then our eldest brother Peter appeared in the doorway to our bedroom.

"Lu, Soph, come on," he screamed at us grabbing both of our hands and pulling us downstairs. I couldn't walk, I was so frightened. Peter, noticing my state, picked me up with one arm whilst he held Lucy in his other hand.

Once downstairs we found our mum waiting for us as well as Susan, my eldest sister. She took me from Peter and hugged me comfortingly as we all proceeded to run out to the shelter. This so-called shelter was really a tin structure hidden by a flower patch on the roof. I never trusted this shelter; the bombs were too powerful.

When we had reached the shelter Edmund remembered something, whilst screaming out "dad," he ran back into the house only to be followed by Peter.

I huddled into Susan on her right and Lucy did the same on her left. Susan pulled both of us close to her trying to calm us down. Then as suddenly as they had turned back the boys appeared Peter literally pushing Edmund into the shelter so that he fell. I cried and sighed in relief knowing they were both safe. I heard Peter say something, but I was too tired to pay much attention as my eyelids grew heavy and hardier to keep open. I let sleep overcome me.

I woke breathless later into the night, darkness surrounding me. I had just had the most horrible dream. The boys were fighting in a battle. There were all sorts of strange creatures, some with goat legs but with a human top half. Others were horrible and scary. As the fight went on us girls were watching from the top of a cliff as a tall white skin lady started to fight Edmund who had got to her before Peter. Then next thing she stabbed Edmund with something. Edmund fell to the ground clutching his stomach bleeding. Then it went dark, and I woke up.

Everything was quite too quiet as I sat in bed trying to slow my breathing. It was like the calm before a storm you know what I mean, an eerier silence that creates fear. I felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me close as the comforting voice of my oldest sister Susan whispered" shh Soph shh it going to be ok." And I fell back asleep.

End of chapter One.

The Youngest Pevensie Sibling series- book 1- The FaithfulWhere stories live. Discover now