Part 1- Chapter 6 The Wardrobe

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The next morning the rain was pouring down, battering against the window leaving blury streaks of water drops behind that seemed to race down the glass. Sophie laid her small head against the window looking out admist the blury vision.

All the children were sat in their study bored, Peter and Susan on the couch. Edmund lay on his back fidgeting with the underside of a chair. Lucy had joined Sophie in watching the rain.

Even Susan's game of guess the meaning of a foreign word was not enough to lessen their boredom. The words had been taken from a old dusty dictionary found on one of the study's shelves. But the rest of the books were of a dull colour and had titles that at the time the children had no intentions of reading such as Artitecture of the mind and possibilities of history.

What seemed like a while later but was in reality only a few minuets later Sophie slipped from the study intent on exploring the strange house that she now found herself in.

She poked her head in at each door she passed to find sparse bedrooms, bathrooms and other rooms she did not know the use of. All were of a dark wooden colour. The furniture, that had been intriguingly carved, was from a different planet showing exotic plants and animals in rich mahogany colours.

The house lacked warmth with shadows following Sophie round each corner. The corridors went on for miles twisting and widing their way through the house some leading to stairs going up and down before more corridors and more rooms. The many large sash windows, with heavy dark curtains pulled back, higlighted the greyness and emptiness that the house's atmosphere encapsulated. The house was a maze to Sophie. A maze that wasn't lived in.

A few hours later she had found the dining room, the scullery, the kitchen, studies, and more empty rooms than she could count.

As she neared the top of another narrow staircase Sophie felt a nudge pushing her towards the room at the end of the corridor. She was sure that she was in the eves as the walls sloped steeply upward to a point. The door was closed so she couldnt see inside of the room yet.

As she was about to turn the door nob she heard panting behind her. She jumped but relaxed when she turned to relized that it was only Lucy that had followed her.

"I kept calling to you to wait for me," stated Lucy

"I didn't know you were there. I was too busy exploring to listen," Sophie acknowledged her older sister's presence.

"Found anything intresting?" Questioned Lucy

"Only endless rooms, and corridors," Sophie replied.

"The others wondered where you had gone." Lucy commented.

Sophie counter argued, "I was only exploring , I was bored sitting in the study. I didn't disturb anything or anyone."

Lucy sighed," I know you wouldn't disturb anyone but I thought you could have told me what you were doing. I would have joined you."

"Sorry. I should have waited for you," Sophie replied sounding disappointed in herself.

Lucy noted the change in her sisters tone and placed her hand on her younger sister's shoulder comfortingly saying, " It is okay. You didn't need to apologise."

Sophie only smiled in response.

" come on let's look in the last room together before we find the others." Lucy Concluded.

Together the Girls opened the door in front of them. Inside they discovered a room that was mostly empty except a small window, a clock on the wall and a sheet covering a large object.

Lucy pulled the dust sheet which flowed downward landing on the floor.

In front of them stood a simply massive Wardrobe. On each section a scene had been carved intently detailed and beautiful. Many scenes showed a snowy forest. One showed a London style lampost. Another showed 5 thrones and crowns. But the most magnificent carving was of a lion found in the middle of the wardrobe door. It looked real as if not for the fact it was made of wood. The handles were shaped like lions.

Sophie and Lucy stood for a little while mesmerised by the wardrobe.

" Come on I'm looking Inside," Sophie stated opening the wardrobe door.

Lucy presently joined her, both feeling warm coats that hung inside. They were soft to the touch like fur.

Careful to leave the wardrobe door open the young girls pushed throught the fur coats expecting to find the back of the wardrobe.

"OH" Sophie cried out as she drew her hand back. It had touched a wet tree branch.

"What is wrong Soph?" Lucy queried.

" My hand touched something wet cold and like a tree branch." Sophie exclaimed.

Lucy faltered," But we are inside. There can't be any trees inside a wardrobe, inside a room, inside a house."

" I am not sure how it is possible either lu? Sophie hesitantly replied.

They both turned to find themselves situated inside of a beautiful snowy forest.

" where are we?" Sophie petitioned.

"I'm not sure" Lucy remarked.

"Are we still in the wardrobe," Sophie cross-examined.

"Don't know if we are then it is a big wardrobe," Lucy obligingly answered.

"Can we explore it?" Sophie inquired.

" we should probably find the others.' Lucy avoided the question.

" OH please can we. We could keep it our secret. It would be more special that way." Piped Sophie with puppy eyes.

Lucy turned to see the wardrobe door still open. She could see the clock on the wall ticking away. We can still get back she thought to herself. A small amount of exploring would be okay, Right? She needed something to do. Anything would be better than sitting listening to the rain and her older siblings arguing about words and there associated meanings. As much as she tried to, she couldnt resist the puppy eyes that her younger sister would give to get her way.

" fine," mumbled Lucy in agreement.

And so hand in hand both young girls stepped into the snowy forest that layed beyond them.

The Youngest Pevensie Sibling series- book 1- The FaithfulWhere stories live. Discover now