Part 1-chapter 9: Hide and seek.

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Sophie and Lucy picked themselves up from where they had landed.
Sophie and Lucy shared a glance that asked. Should we keep Narnia a secret?
Utimatly both girls decided that they should wait to tell their siblings. It would be fun to have a secret from them and a place that they could escape to.

The next day was a wonderful warm and sunny summers day. The five siblings spent nearly the whole day exploring the woods that surrounded the professor's house on 3 sides.

Peter and Edmund had challenged each other to jump over a stream which both had failed landing halfway up the other bank only succeeding to get themselves wet and dirty.

They thouroughly enjoyed themselves and arrived back dirty and exhausted before diner.

The boys got changed and then they proceeded to find the dining room taking 10 minuets to do so resulting in a telling off by Mrs Macready. Diner however was a comforting warm vegetable pie with gravy and peas that filled all the stomachs of the children.

After dinner Susan had suggested that they played hide and seek before bed.

Peter counted with his head against the study room door whilst the other 4 ran to hide.

Sophie and Lucy knew with one look at each other that they had the same thought. Narnia they could hide in narnia. They would go and have tea with tumnus and so easily pass a few hours of time. At which point Peter would have given up finding them.

Both ran off together with no knoweldge of the young boy who was following behind them. Prephas if they had things would have turned out diferently to what they did? But we will never know.

Presently, after nearly getting lost more than once and borrowing two fur coats from the wardrobe Sophie and Lucy arrived at Mr tumnus's cave.
They proceeded to knock enthusiastically on the hidden door.

Mr tumnus had been unready when he heard the knock on the door. At first he thought it was Mr beaver or Mr badger or even both who had come to complain to him about their bickering misses.

He was very shocked and surprised when he opened the door to find Sophie and Lucy standing there covered in white snow.

"Come in come in at once. It is far to cold outside. Mr tumnus remarked as he ushered both girls inside.

"My it is a suprie to see you both back here." He had continued when the two females were inside and settled.

"We wanted to see you again," Lucy commented.

" It was a surprise to see you at the door but a lovley and delightful one at that," Mr tumnus said.

"I'm sorry I don't have any sardines or cake to offer you this time. My friends Mr and Mrs beaver and Mr and Mrs badger came over yesterday, and well they finished it all off." Mr tumnus stated.

"We've just had dinner," answered Sophie. .

"Well that's alright then. I have got tea to offer you and I promise I won't play Any music this time." Smiled Mr Tumnus.

Whilst Lucy and Mr tumnus were getting the tea, Sophie's eyes had fallen on the book that Mr tumnus had been reading.

Glancing over it she could read a few of the words.

5 children will arrive from the world of men. Three will be females, two male. Together with the Great Lion Aslan, they will defeat the witch and bring peace joy and harmony back to the land where it is much needed.

However the journey will not be the easiest and all will face challenges along the way. One will doubt, one will betray, one will fight, one will want to give up and one will almost die. But the great emperor beyond the sea knows what he is doing and we must trust that one day these phrophies will come true.

The two girls and Tumnus spent time together enjoying tea. Mr tumnus told the girls how wonderful Narnia was in the spring with all creatures joining in feasts, dances and bonfires late into the evening. Tumnus spoke of the joy that was catching and the unmaskenable happiness, harmony and contentment. The Nyaids and Drayads sang endless songs weaving the sounds together. The parties had lasted weeks, sometimes even months. The lushus green leaves provided shade and shelter from the blazing hot sun. The world was awake in bloom. No-one was unhappy, there were no wars, no pain.

To Sophie and Lucy what Mr tumnus was talking about was a dream. They had never known the true happiness only found in Narnia. So many of their recent memories were all taken up by war, talk of war and the horrors that arrived because of war.

It was 2 hours later after many cups of tea that Sophie and Lucy ventured back towards the lampost and the wardrobe.

A little while off they could see the recognisable shape of a human boy a little older than they were. When they approached they were beyond surprised to see that it was Edmund. He had followed them and also got into narnia.

Something is wrong Sophie thought to herself. Edmund looks ill.

"Edmund, you got in too? Isn't wonderful?" Lucy queried as she gave Edmund a hug that was not recipiated back.

" Yes alright I got in too. What is this place." Edmund grumbled in reply.

" It's called narnia. Are you alright you look ill." Quizzed Sophie.

"How else would you look or act in a strange place." Edmund grunted.

The girls were unsure how to answer this so remained quiet.

"Why is it so cold here?" Asked Edmund after a brief pause.

"Its the white witch she calls herself the queen of narnia but she really isn't." Lucy replied.
Edmund face grew greener as he realised who he had just met before his sisters had found him.

"She's the one that makes it winter here but never christmas." Sophie Piped in.

"How do we get out of here?"Edmund Questioned.

"Come on." Both girls said as they each took one of Edmunds hands and led him back through the wardrobe into the proffessors house.

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