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To be honest with you, I never intended to become an influencer. Me and my friends just thought it would be fun to film our crazy asses and we didn't think anyone would actually like to watch it. I mean, do people really like seeing me trip every second?

Apparently, almost 15 million people do. I have no idea how I got that many followers, I'm not even that interesting in my regard.

A while ago, I posted a dance cover of a Stray Kids song and people loved it. I even gave the group of crazy kids some new stays.

So now, I'm getting paid to film myself on a daily basis and to give out information about Stray Kids from time to time.

I don't have a fan account, because I'm terrible at making that kind of content. Remember I became a content filmer about myself and not a fan account for someone else for a solid reason. Don't think I'm selfish now, that's a bad first impression of me.

I place my phone on the counter, press the film button, and continue cooking. "Okay, so I was at the gym after an awful lot of weeks of not going and this guy came up to me and was like 'Haven't seen you around here' and I thought like no shit but he wanted to be my gym partner or something. I bet he has no friends."

One more thing you need to know about me, I literally speak my mind.

"So I tried to get him to piss off but he didn't, I bet he was into me. But then Baekhyun came out of nowhere and was like 'Hey dude I'm her gym partner now go and work out on your own' and that's how I got rid of him. Oh and my arm muscles hurt so goddamn much it's insane. But now I have to focus on cooking because otherwise this house won't be here in let's say five minutes. Okay bye~!" I close my phone and continue cooking.

The living creature I was previously talking about walks into the kitchen and sits at the counter. "I heard my name?"

I also forgot to mention I live with three friends of mine. We're all 'influencers' and dancers. Our real jobs are dancers or choreographers by the way. When you walk through our house, you whether see people filming content or dancing around. And eating, of course.

"Then your ears heard it right. Probably the only word you understood, since your English sucks." I get a scoff in return and Baekhyun leaves the kitchen again.

I see the screen of my phone light up. I look up from my pot of food and see Stray Kids has gone live. I sigh. "I guess risking my life it is."

I watch the live while cooking, which isn't the best idea, but you know, yolo. Sometimes you need to know what's more important in life. And Stray Kids is more important now than eating this dinner. We can always order something, you know.

Izumi runs into the kitchen and almost slips. "Stray Kids is live!"

Izumi and I are the only stays in this household. Kind of disappointing, though, but I tried to make them stays, it just didn't really work. But because of me, Izumi is a stay, so I guess it's alright.

"I know, my phone is already on. Maybe not the best idea, but I'll burn the kitchen down for them." Okay, maybe too dramatic. Hyunjin infected me too much, but do you hear me complaining?

I managed to let the kitchen live for another day and the food isn't burnt. This is quite the miracle, actually, since I was more focused on the abandoned infants than on the food, but I don't care. As long as I have food and I could've seen them.

After sitting at the table for five minutes, the two remaining housemates come into the room.


They're my mates?

Ha, that's some real bullshit. I'm not Australian.

"A light-year later and we can eat! Too bad we've died in the meantime so we can't enjoy this delicious meal I prepared for you all." The two boys roll their eyes at me and sit at the table, starting to eat.

Don't think I'm dramatic now, I just don't want my precious eating time to go to waist because of two boys.

Did I already say I'm dramatic twice? Maybe I am, then.

Thank you, Hyunjin.


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