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"Holiday!" Izumi yells on the top of her lungs while running around the living room with her hands stretched out behind her back like she wants to fly.

The month is still not over and Jihun still hates us, and he is going on a trip with the three of us.

He's going to love it, being stuck with us for a whole week in another country.

Just for the record, we're going to Japan. Izumi is going to be our tour guide, since she left her mother's stomach and went to the hell, where kids are forced to go, there.

"Please sit down or else I'm going to rip that tongue of yours out your mouth and you will not be able to come to Japan anymore," Jihun threatens the over-enthusiastic girl before drinking the last bit of water out of his glass.

Baekhyun was sitting next to him, but creates a little more space between the two of them. "Okay, I'm not conversing with you today."

Izumi and I planned to go to Japan really slick. Stray Kids is also going to Japan for some kind of awards show. And since Izumi and Jihun are choreographers for two other k-pop groups who are also going, we can see them from up close.

Baekhyun and I invited ourselves there, you know, for 'moral support' for the two others, since they're going to need that.

The awards show is planned in three days, so we have our time before our presence is required there.

Well, Izumi and Jihun's presence. Baekhyun and I are just going to break in there if they don't let us in.

Now you're probably wondering who these two choreographers work for, so I'll tell you the not so really secret.

Izumi creates the choreos for LE SSERAFIM and Jihun for TXT.

Now, txt is pretty close with Stray Kids, and Beomgyu told me some txt secrets so I make myself a friend of theirs as well, so maybe we can mingle into that in some way.

Our flight is today, and we're all packed. The choreographers are flying with the groups, so we will not see them at the airport, nor the airplane.

So that leaves me and Baekhyun.

The airport should look out for us.

After a long ride, filled with Jihun having discussions with us about literally everything, we arrived at the airport.

I won't tell you how we checked-in, handed over our luggage, got through the security and boarding gates, since that is hella boring. I'll save you the 5 minutes of extra sleep.

The plane has took off and we're in the air. We're not in any fancy classes, we're just in coach. I'm not going to pay extra to have more space for a little over 2 hours.

I'm sitting at the side of the mirror and Baekhyun sits next to me, playing some game on his phone. It's this weird shooting game with Barbies with muskets and stuff.

I don't know, don't ask me.

The rest of the 2 hours and 17 minutes he has been playing that game and I have been doing some work related stuff. Boring, I know, but I still need the money.

The plane landed, more like crashed, to the ground. I think the pilot was on his second or so flight, because I literally flew in the air for a second.

I will also spare you the checkout schedule and everything, since that is hella boring as well.

We met Izumi and Jihun before we went into the paparazzi warzone. They came up to us and the oldest already started complaining. "I swear the landing was bumpy as hell, my laptop even got off my lap."

I roll my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder. "The pilot probably needs some life experiences, and we were blessed to be apart of it. Now let's get blinded by those flashy lights of our stalkers, shall we?"

The two K-pop groups have already gone through the airport and have arrived in the buses. Now it's our turn.

We walk into the crowded place and I'm already blinded.

Ha, haven't missed this at all.

It kind of feels like you're going from the real world to heaven when you get these flashy lights on you. Not like it feels heavenly, but because you only see white when you look forward. It's just like you look straight into a lamp or the sun.

Get it now why all celebrities look down?

We finally get into a taxi and leave for the hotel. Izumi rests her head on my shoulder and sighs. "Now your Japanese skills can be upgraded, fellas."

I hear Baekhyun scoff next to me. "Like I have any skills. I can barely even drink normally."

I rest my head on Izumi's and chuckle lightly. "Do any of us have any skills? We're dumb as hell."

"Paboracha," Izumi whispers, so only I can hear, and we grin.

"If we would be able to communicate with them, we would probably get along quite well."


About that drinking, I may or may not have used my own experience...👀

I don't know, it's just hard to drink normally and not spill anything🤷‍♀️

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