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"Aecha, we're going to be late!" Jihun yells from the other side of the house. I roll my eyes and continue doing my makeup.

Izumi comes into our shared bathroom and looks at me doing my business. "You sure are making Jihun mad mad right now."

I scoff and put my mascara away. "He already hates me this month, so nothing much I can do anymore."

Okay, it may be the third day of the month, but that dude is functioning by them. Proximately, he would hate me 5 out of the 12. Maybe not really healthy for our friendship.

"I'm coming, give me a minute to pee." I shove Izumi out of the bathroom and continue my preparation for the 'trip', like Jihun calls it.

"Finally, you're done. To the car, kids!" Jihun yells out and motions for us to go to the vehicle. Baekhyun hits him on the arm while walking past him. "I didn't know we were your kids, old man."

Jihun rolls his eyes while walking up to me. "I don't trust you on your own." He grabs me by the arm and drags me to the car, shoving me in the backseat next to Baekhyun. I put on a pout and look angrily at the guy in the door opening "You are no fun, you know that?"

Jihun sticks his tongue out before shutting the door, making me gasp. I turn to the boy next to me and he shrugs. "I don't know what to tell you, but he hates the three of us this month."

Izumi gets in the passenger's seat and turns her head to us. "Too bad we're his only hope and friends. He ain't got nowhere to go without us."

Speaking of the devil, the guy with the (un)visible devil ears gets in the drivers seat and glares at Izumi. "I have more friends, okay? I am very popular under the living, whether you trust me or not."

Baekhyun and I look at each other and try to hold our laughter. I hear Izumi not even trying and spit out a laughter. "I've never seen you under the people, so don't try to sound popular with us. We're your only hope, be happy with us."

Jihun rolls his eyes and starts the engine, driving off the parking lot. The girl in the front turns to me and gives me a high five. "We won this battle, bitches," she says while moving over to give Baekhyun a high five as well.

"Where are we going again?" the guy next to me asks, making Jihun scoff. "You guys are impossible, I swear." Izumi hits him lightly on the arm, not risking him losing control of the steering wheel. "We are amazing, you just don't see it yet since you're not at our level, dude," she fires back while winking at him, making Jihun roll his eyes.

"No bickering in the front seat, please, we're still here," I confront them before playing a game with Baekhyun on his phone.


The car gets rudely parked, making the latter and I fall forward. "Yo man, can't you park normally?" I can feel Jihun roll his eyes before he gets out of the car.

I just know him so well that I don't even have to see his face to know he's annoyed by all of us.

He really has some issues.

Izumi, Baekhyun, and I get out of the car as well and see that we've arrived at the beach. Baekhyun stands next to me and stretches his limbs. "So this is what we were going to do, got it. Ey man, good choice." He walks up to Jihun and pats him on the shoulder.

"Izumi, race me to the water, will ya?" I give her a smirk, which she returns. "Catch me if you can, bitch," she says coldly while running forward, leaving me with two of the male species. "Hey, that's not fair!" I yell out before pushing Jihun out of the way to run after the girl, who is making a very unholy laugh sound.

Once I catched up with Izumi, I grab her by the shoulders and tackle her on the ground, using my taekwondo tricks.

That reminds me, I still need to have a face off with one of Gyeongmin's friends.

Ha, who of the 7 would that be?

They all seem too sensitive to be able to do any kind of 'martial arts', my guess is he made that up.

Once sitting on top of the girl, who is still making very unholy sounds, I feel my phone make a buzz sound in my back pocket.

I take the stretched out squared device out of the pocket and look at the screen while still holding Izumi on the ground, who is now yelling for help.

That's the good part of Jihun hating people, he's not going to help her.

Baekhyun wouldn't as well, he's here for the show.

Guy w lack of plushies

Guy w lack of plushies
Chulwoo doesn't let me and Jimin hang out with you, so don't think it's my fault

Plushie owner
What drugs is he on??

Guy w lack of plushies
Parental ones is my guess

Plushie owner
He and Jihun would get along very well
Oh yeah I was wondering, who of the seven is the one with taekwondo skills?
Bc from how far I know them, I don't believe any of them has

Guy w lack of plushies
Yongjin did taekwondo for FOREVER

Plushie owner
I refuse to believe you

Guy w lack of plushies
Maybe we need to arrange a one on one w you two

Plushie owner
I think
Fuck me if I'm wrong
But I THINK if you, Jimin, and I can't hang out, I can't fight Yongjin
That's my guess but I DONT KNOW HUH

Guy w lack of plushies
Oh yeah FUCK HIM
Oh no now he's gonna be mad a me

Plushie owner
Dont show him the messages🤷‍♀️

Guy w lack of plushies
Impossible, he finds his way to stalk me with everything
I don't know what he does when I'm asleep, but it can't be very promising

Plushie owner
I feel u

Guy w lack of plushies

Plushie owner
Good luck man


"We can't hang out with the group of idiots, Chulwoo refuses for some reason," I sigh out, finally getting off of the girl.

She scoffs loudly and sits up. "I'm gonna confront him in the group chat, back me up."

Okay Chulwoo, get ready for Izumi, she can be quite 'feisty' with this.

I'm praying for him.

Or not, he's the reason I can't make new real life friends.

He's between 'fuck you' and 'I'm bearing with you' bars.



I'm sorry if you feel like I'm making Chan the 'villain', but that ain't my intention.

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