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PLEASE NOTE: This glossary is purposefully incomplete. I plan to include a complete glossary with expanded definitions, pronunciations and the world's monetary system with physical copies of the manuscript during official publication.


Åålįÿåħ (ah·lee·yah) – Youngest daughter of King Samahdemn. Princess of the Promised Lands. Known by her subjects as The People's Princess.

Adzæ (adz·uh) – One whose cursed with never ending life and a compulsion to feed on blood to live. Also referred to by some as vamipri. Widely considered by many to be apex predators.

Åkårmåuru (Acar·more·rue)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the Goddess' majesty made manifest.

Alphava (Al·fave·ha)Southern half of the world's largest joined continent. Cultural melting pot and part of the center of world trade.

Amalgamate (A·mal·ga·mate) – A living technological symbiont which are created and bred by the Swalii for insertion into their bodies.

Åmbrosįå (Am·broh·zua)The Goddess; creator of the universe and all of its infinite complexities.

Ångël (An·gel) – A being created directly by the hand of the Goddess.

Aoleon (E·o·le·on)High princess and eldest daughter of Sammael.

Arjana (Ar·ja·na) – Beloved of Aoleon.

Assami (Azz·a·my) – Ancient homeland of the malani; typically they lean towards straight black hair racially. Almond or upturned eyes of a generally dark colour and thin noses and representing a wide variety of skin tones. It's also home to the fair skinned balani, who are straight haired with a number of lighter hair shades. They tend to have rounded, light coloured eyes, thin noses, thin lips and less curvaceous bodies than most other humans. Assami is also home to the fox-like ma'jong.

Athenaeum (A·tha·nee·um) – Home to the Archives of the Magi, a record of all Magickal information in the known world and the storage location for the shards of all the Link's Magi.

Audaux (Au·dux) – The massive, uninhabited planet which partially fills the sky during the night that Mundus revolves around.

Ayashe (Ai·yashae) – A powerful dire snow leopard, Sammael's familiar and long-time friend.

Båståru (Bas·ta·ru)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the messengers.

Båståru-Ëkåru (Bas·ta·ru Ek·a·ru)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the warriors.

Bëåtįfįc (Bee·ah·tiff·ick) – The offspring of two Ångëlįcs who bond sexually. As mating between Ångëlįcs does not easily lend itself to pregnancy for reasons known only to Åmbrosįå Herself, the birth of a Bëåtįfįc is an exceedingly rare, but joyous occurrence among the Dįvonësë. 

Brŭmal (Bru·mall)The Dæmönic Realm; seat of power for the Fallen.

Cållįå (Ca·lie·ah)A powerful Ångël who works her gifts through the elemental plain of the physical. A healer.

Ċwjv Bwhvő (Ka·wav Bwa·vo) – Known as the Transference of the Soul, it's literal translation is "life given". It's a ritual by which a Drågon's Soul is freely gifted to a faithful and trusted friend or companion them in order to birth a Drågoon so that they may continue on in their stead. This is most usually done when a Drågon sees that their death is near.

Ċwjv Dgfvő (Ka·wav Dug·vo) – Known as the Dark Transference of the Soul, it's literal translation is "life taken". It's a ritual by which a Drågon's soul is ripped from them in order to birth a Dark Drågoon.

Dæmön (De·mon) The soul of a mortal damned to the frozen wastes of Brŭmal for eternity for misdeeds in life.

Dįvįnįtÿ (Da·vin·a·tee) Beings or places that have qualities that are associated with the Goddess.

Dįvonësë (Di·vo·nese) – The Goddess, Gods and all beings directly created by them; beings that can directly claim a Dįvįnë birthright.

Drågon (Drag·on)Ancient and massive creature of untold power bestowed with the Goddess' gifts. Forbearers of the Magi race. 

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