Chapter 16 - On the Subject of...Everything

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53rd Day of Ope in the Third Month of Snow's Fall
4372 A.G.G. (261 Years Ago)

The City of Shiulo
The Islands of The Link


On the Subject of the Magickal Divide

The Great Rebellion and the subsequent Great Exile are well known cautionary tales. Even among the non-religious. The epic yarn has been illustrated in religious verse in the holy book of the Afua Maisha since the dawn of organized religion. Lumå'įl's rise against His beloved Åmbrosįå in a vain attempt to wrestle the throne of Ëmpÿrë away from Her, with Their Dįvįnë daughter Så'Ħdënåħ at His side. And the duo's fall after their defeat at the end of their three centuries long struggle in the Dįvįnë Realm.

Even more well known is the Ten and Five Year Wars; the conflict that saw these impossibly powerful beings and their armies descend upon the world and march to destroy each other. Their gifts tearing the lands asunder in ways that are scarcely comprehensible. Leaving scars on Mundus that have yet to heal nearly two millennia hence. There were none left untouched by the devastation and there's scarcely a person alive today that can't trace their lineage back to someone who perished during those years in one way or another.

Nearly unknown to most however is the War of the s. A terrible bit of unhappiness between the Ǻngëlics and Fallen some thousand years before the Ten and Five Year Wars that waged on for nearly 3 centuries. Setting ablaze both the Dįvįnë Realm of Ëmpÿrë and the Dæmönic Plains of Brŭmal. A war fought over the possession of Drågons and their souls.

I couldn't rightfully say why or how, but this conflict changed something. Its devastation affected nature. Or maybe forever destroyed it. And the heka that once flowed through the world started to slowly leave it.

It's something that Mother Mundus has never recovered from. Nor do I believe it ever will.

Unbeknownst to mortal-kind, inborn talent for heka ever so slowly became far more common among the offspring of the First Races than any others. And by the time people started to notice, few still living could remember a time when there was no distinction between those who could manipulate The Flow and those who couldn't.

Magickal education among the younger races waned as Magi birth gaps widened. A gap that continued to expand more and more with each passing year.

Eluvian, faunish, spriteish and fay-folk Magi eventually came to outnumber those of human and dwarves nearly four thousand to one. And human and dwarven Magi offspring in turn outnumbered those born to races such as the centaur and the Ma'Jong by an equivalent factor.

So it came to be of no surprise that children born to the horse-people who could spell weave were doted upon and held aloft. While any of the fox-people in servitude who were found to be able to hear the song of The Flow were either manipulated by their masters to serve their whims, sold for a grotesquely large amount of coin, or put to the sword along with any equally gifted human slave.

After all, the fear of a rebellion empowered by heka within the slave nations was far too great to allow such beings to live if they could not be controlled...



"Brigid," I asked, "did the Mages welcome any centaurs into the fold since I've been away?"

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