Chapter 17 - Leave the Sword & the Pistol

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53rd Day of Ope in the Third Month of Snow's Fall
4372 A.G.G. (261 Years Ago)

The City of Shiulo
The Islands of The Link



Brigid's brows furrowed as the look of concentration intensified on her face. "As far as the hospital's trail goes, forging paper and falsifying records is easy." said she. "However, it may already be too late. The lawmen are normally informed of gunshot victims who are admitted to hospitals. Here's to hoping someone was lazy with their desk job on our end.

"As for your shard...well, the Archives are large beyond reckoning. Their contents run deep and their accounts are ancient. It's not uncommon for things to get...lost in such vastness." The implications in what she was proposing were dizzying.

"And if the hospital staff wasn't lazy?"

"Then I have a workaround for that as well...I think. Peoples' memories are short and they're easily bought. When it's all said and done, few here will remember your face. And fewer still will remember your paperwork."

This was a side of Brigid I'd never seen. Grateful didn't even begin to cover my feelings.

"I also have some...acquaintances, in Kazakoto who can help you."

"How's that?" I asked. "Who are they?"

She continued along her train of thought. Ignoring my questions. "I pray to the Goddess that any investigations that are conducted at the site won't lead back to you. Let alone allowing the idea that you can duel cast make its way into the people's consciousness. At this point, it's too early to know if Bastion's authorities will actually employ Mages to aid in their investigation efforts or not. But for now, let's assume the worst."

"Good luck with that. From what you said, that place is so charred and steeped in confusion, I doubt that anyone will ever fully know exactly what happened there."

I may have snickered a bit. Many a dreadful thing tickled the darkness that floated about within me in those days. Brigid however wasn't happy with the response or my joviality at all.

"That was very callous of you Samahdemn."

"Yes My Lady. I apologize My Lady. However, that doesn't make it untrue."

"I suppose. But you can't rely on that. It's fortunate for you that my associates and I are accustomed to smuggling Magi to safety."

I was dumbfounded. I had no knowledge of this "movement". Never did.

"To what end?"

"Freedom for all of our kind from the shackles of a society which would neuter us; destroy our ability to feel The Flow." She eyed me hard. "Even the stupid ones."

I deserved that. But it didn't stop me from retorting with- "Freedom huh? That's high talk coming from people who still support slavery."

She eyed me more closely. "I've never condoned the having of slaves. You know that. And, unfortunately, minds can be slow to change on matters that don't affect them directly. You should know that better than most, shouldn't you?"

"Maybe." She had me there.

"The pot should be careful about calling the kettle black."

I retreated from my point. "How long have you been doing this?" I asked while refusing to meet her gaze.

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