✨ Chapter 3

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It was Adnan I saw walking into the boys class, so Adnan attends my islamiya and he is also a prefect, wawu.

It was closing time and Haidar and I were sitting outside waiting for ya Idris to come.

"Ohh my God! Adiva when did you join this islamiya" Adanan asked looking so surprised.

"Yesterday oo"

"Okay that's nice, I would love to chat more but I have to go now, talk to you later."

"Alright we'll talk in sha Allah (by the  grace of God)" I said to him

"Bye Adiva and bye fine boy" he smiled referring to Haidar as fine, I rolled my eyes what is fine about this boy sef.

Ya Idris picked us up and we went back home.  We prayed Magrib, had dinner then we prayed Ishai and I decided to go back to my room.

I took my phone and turned on my data, I saved Nana's number and I said hi to her on heychat then we started gisting about what happened today and I told her about me and Adnan being in the same islamiya.

I stood up washed my face and proceeded to perform my broke girl skin care routine, it doesn't really consist of much, I'm not really you flawless beautiful glowing skin kind of girl.

I sometimes have breakout, dark spots, queen of hyperpigmentation. So yeah I'm not your average clean girl, as I like to call it. That's why I try my best with the little skin care products I have so I won't look completely unpresentable.

I Heard a notification on my phone only to turn it on and see I was added to two groups, the first one was my class group chat. And the second one was a group Nana created, consisting of just Adnan, her and me. I was talking to them for so long that I forgot I had Hada and assignment to do. But I'll figure it out. I always do.

I told them bye and turned off my data. I decided to do all my assignments at home by myself for a change, instead of my normal early morning copying. I did all my assignments with caution because I do want my grades to be good even if don't pass the exam at least I'll get good grades from assignment.

I decided to sleep and just do my hada tommorow morning when my brain will still be fresh.

"VIVA!!!" Yes it's morning again. I got up,  did my normal routine, prayer, chores, getting ready for school, but then I did my hada, we had breakfast and we were off to school for my third day. I can't believe it's still not weekend yet I'm tired honestly.

I went to class, said hi to Nana and Adnan and then the torture of class began...

I'll loose my mind if I get another homework today,it's like these teachers where sent to us. I don't remember school ever being this hard.

Well okay then I didn't really care about my school work, grades or anything school related apart from Maths.

My dad was a Maths Genius, and he loved the subject a lot. I always felt like if I failed maths or didn't put as much work into it, I was disrespecting my dad in a way, couple with the fact that he was dealing with his problems usually and he wasn't around physically, I don't blame him.

So doing Math always made me feel like he was there, with all his tips that I always remember when solving questions.

In a wired way maths helps me keep a lot of my emotions in check and drawing stars to, yeah drawing stars helps me a lot.

"It's break time let's go people" Nana said approaching mine and Adnan's seat. We both stood up and three of us left the class.

"Do you guy's like talk to our other classmates?" I asked out of curiosity because I've been here for three days and I've only talked to this two.

AdivaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora