✨ Chapter 20

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I woke up, when I looked around it was 2 am mummy was asleep so I reached out beside me and picked up a pen and book

As I sat there, pen in hand, my mind swirls with different emotions. The sterile scent of the hospital room envelops me, a stark reminder of the uncertainty that lies ahead. The surgeon's words echo in my mind, mingling with the rhythm of my heartbeat. I'm about to undergo brain surgery, a procedure with no guarantees.

But before I surrender myself to the hands of fate, there are words I must leave behind. Words of love, of gratitude, of hope. Letters to those who have shaped my life, who have filled it with moments both cherished and bittersweet.

To Khalifa, my beloved:
Do not let that tear drop or we will have serious issues young man, you have seen me cry more than anyone so I don't want you to cry because of me. Do not mourn for me, I know life has taken too many loved ones away from you, I want you to still remain strong and don't let it shape you, whenever you remember me don't feel bad just say a prayer for me. Khalifa with you, I have known a happiness beyond measure. You have been my rock, my solace, my guiding light, you showed me love unconditionally, you never pressured me into being with you, you did the sweetest things without wanting anything back and I'm grateful for that, you were my confidant I could tell you anything. Though our time together may be cut short, the love we shared will endure. Find joy in the memories we've created, and let them be a beacon of hope in the darkness. Your Vee will always be with you no matter what. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

                                    Yours lovingly, Vee.

To Haidar, my idiot

You have been my steadfast companion, my partner in mischief. As I embark on this final journey, know that my love for you knows no bounds. I am proud of the person you've become my tiny idiott and I have every confidence that you will carve out a future filled with purpose and passion because you'll be doing it for both of us. Remember this you're my brother, you fear no one, you bow to no one and you don't live for no one.  Walk boldly into the world, dear brother, and may happiness pave your path. Take care of mummy ka ji

                                    Yours lovingly Viva

To Auwal, my enemy

Life has dealt us both its share of heartache and loss. But within the depths of sorrow, there lies the seed of renewal. Do not let grief consume you, for there is still beauty to be found in this world. Embrace the possibility of love, of joy, of second chances. Let go of the past, and let your heart soar once more, for there are many fishes in the sea my dear brother. I know you're wondering Who will you boss around, whose skincare will you steal, whose socks will you hide, who will trick Sani to collect the gamepad for you don't worry I'll forever be in your heart wether you like it or not. I leave all my skincare to you in return anytime you remember me pray for me. I don't do nothing for no one for nothing. Take care of Haidar please.

                                          yours truly Diva

To yaya Sani,

See I did eventually call you yaya. From the moment you entered my life, I knew there was some mystery behind you and I did figure it out a bit, you have been a source of inspiration and pride. Your strength, your resilience, your unwavering determination—they have filled me with awe. As I bid farewell, know that I carry with me the memory of your triumphs, your laughter, your unwavering spirit. Keep shining, dear brother, for the world is brighter with you in it, please take care of our brothers and Check up on khalifa

                                            yours truly Iva

To my Alhaji Zakaria

You have shouldered the weight of responsibility with grace and dignity, guiding our family with unwavering devotion. I entrust to you the care of those I hold dear, knowing that you will continue to be their pillar of strength. Cherish the bonds that bind us together, and may love be your guiding force in the days to come, thank you so much for all you have done. Please take care of mummy

                                      Yours truly, Adiva

To mummy, my superwoman

You have been my greatest teacher, my fiercest champion, my dearest friend. With every sacrifice, every gentle word, every silent prayer, you have shaped me into the person I am today. Though I may no longer walk beside you, know that my love will forever encircle you like a warm embrace. You took care of us when you were not ready, you never made us feel unwanted, you sacrificed a lot Thank you for everything, Mummy I love you. I am eternally grateful. Please don't be sad your Aishan yaya will always be with you.

                                    Yours lovingly Viva

To Nana

You have been the sister of my heart, the confidante of my soul. In your laughter, I have found solace; in your friendship, I have found joy. Treasure the bond we share, my best friend, for it is a rare and precious gift. Carry my memory with you always, and let it be a source of strength in times of darkness. Don't be sad Nana khadija you fool, wipe that tear I love you. You are the best thing that happened to me when I moved to kadunaa so I'm not leaving your heart anytime soon or ever.

                                    Yours lovingly Viva

To Zara:

Your brilliance, your wit, your indomitable spirit—they have illuminated my life in ways I cannot adequately express. In you, I have found a kindred spirit, a fellow seeker of knowledge and truth. Continue to pursue your dreams with unwavering determination, my friend, for the world is ripe with possibility. Remember me fondly, as I shall remember you.

                                          Yours truly Viva

To Adnan:

You have been a beacon of light in the darkest of times, a source of laughter and companionship when the world seemed bleak. Your kindness, your generosity, your unwavering support—they have touched my heart in ways words cannot capture. Know that I am cheering you on from wherever I may be, and may your journey be filled with love and fulfillment my future spy.

                                        Yours truly Viva

As I seal each envelope with trembling hands, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. Though my time in this world may be fleeting, the love I leave behind will endure for eternity.  I kept all the letters in the drawer beside me then I turned around on the bed made dua's untill sleep took me away.

I woke up again I smiled at mummy, the nurse came in and helped me to the bathroom,there I told her to please give my family the letters if I don't make it out if the surgery. I performed wuduh then I  prayed fajr. 

The surgery was about to begin, everyone was present In the room the all came forward to either hug, say a prayer or say something to me but at that moment all I relished in was thier presence that early just for me.

When khalifa walked to me he said a prayer, his eyes looked like he hadn't slept a wink ohh the poor thing, when he was about the leave I whispered in his ear, 'i love you for the sake of Allah' he's eyes widened and it had a spark I've never seen before.  It looked like it took everything in him not hug me at that moment. He just blinked and kept on blinking as he walked to stand next to Sani.

As  I was wheeled towards the theater, I looked at a the faces of my loved ones,  waving and smiling I felt fulfilled.

I heard the beeping of the machines and the surgeons present just when I was about to be administered anastasia I said the shhada And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit unbroken, I bid farewell to the life I have known, trusting in the promise of a new dawn beyond the horizon.

For the last time, Bye loves💞

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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