< 3 - What a stormy day >

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I'll possibly make more POVs for different characters, cause who loves a good ol' thought process from others!

This chapter includes

Death Thoughts (no, not suicide thoughts)
Mentions Of Disturbing Deaths


[Paper's POV]

I look out the window, seeing how stormy it is, I'm worried. What if someone goes out there and gets struck by lightning? No, no, i shouldn't be thinking about such negative thoughts! Stay positive, Paper!

I mentally slap myself.

"Hey, Paper." I got startled by the sudden voice behind me. "AH!" I turn around quickly. It's just Oj.

"O-oh! Hey, Oj. You kind of startled me..." I slightly smiled, so he'll take the sentence positively.

"Ah... sorry, Paper." He apologized.

"No, no, it's fine!" I turned around, facing the window again.

"Are you worried about the storm?" How did he know?!

"Worried? Me? Pssht... yeah, you're right." I look down in defeat. Oj placed an arm around my shoulder. I'm feeling hot, like my face is burning up. I look back up and at the window.

"I feel like there's a high chance the power will go out." Why did he mention that..? Now the power will definitely go out!

"Uh, yeah... maybe... but i hope not!" Oj looks at my face, i noticed that, then i looked back at him and quickly moved my head back at the window. I feel like the sun is shining right at my face.

"Your cheeks look completely red, are you ok..?" He sounds worried
Oh god.

"Y-yep! I'm fine, toootally fine! Are you fine? It's feeling kind of hot jn here!" I fan my face with my hands.

"The AC's working. Are you completely sure you're fine?"

SHEET. (pun intended)

"Maybe i just feel s-sick is all.." Why am i STUTTERING?!

Oj looked at me with a 'you're-a-very-bad-liar' face, also a hint of worry within him.

"Yeah... suuure..."

"What are the both of you lovebirds talking about?" We both got startled. It was just Test Tube.

"LOVEBIRDS!?" We both said it at the same time.

Test Tube crossed her arms. "Arent the signs of love very obvious between the both of you? I even watched and studied your relationship with each other in Season 1. Honestly, the love between you both is now looking pretty strong." She cleared her throat and pushed back her glasses with her index finger, "But that's not the main thing I'm here for. What do you think is the cause of all these tragedies? No one was even visible and controlling these accidents. All of us are just chilling one day, and then the next everything goes into a huge disaster. I don't believe in gods, but are they the cause of all this? We're all innocent and there's no crimes going on, ever–"

Oj then interrupted, "I'm sorry, what? You're thinking about this way too hard, Test Tube. Take a breather."

[Test Tube's POV]

As soon as Oj said that, i felt something fueling up in me. Like i wanna shout at him, but i need to keep my cool.

"Oj, I am not overreacting about this whole situation. Its just so... weird! Someone needed to bring this up if no one will, and that someone will be me." I pointed to myself with my thumb, poking at myself twice.

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