< 4 - Rest In Piece >

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Yes, i wrote Piece in the title on purpose.
I did say i'd make chapter 4 today yesterday, but it's still technically today since it turned 12am
I'll actually take the author notes seriously this time

This chapter includes



[Fan's POV]

...I'm so lost, and it's raining too, and there's no wi-fi! It's been... how long? MULTIPLE. HOURS!? Why did i even think the missing Mephone is in this darn forest? I definitely think people at the Hotel are gonna think I'm dead. What a bummer...

I'm standing up, leaning against the tree, looking at the rain drops that fall next to me. I think i missed breakfast...

[Time: 12:10 P.M]

Yep, i did! I also missed dinner yesterday. I'm so hungry that i could eat this entire tree! I'll actually won't, though, yuck.

Maybe i should just run across the forest and hope i miraculously end up back at the Hotel.

I began to run, but instead of the hotel i bump into...

[???'s POV]

"Hey, [???]. Are you sure we're going the right way?" [???] looked nervous.

"Everywhere we go is the right way. We don't even have a home, remember?" I spin 180° and look at [???], my arms behind my neck.

"It's raining, can't we just-"

"Mic? Taco?" Mic got interrupted by a passer-by named... Fan. He is panting a lot, was he running? Most likely.

...Awkward silence.

After a few seconds, Mic broke the silence. "... How did you find us?"

"Well, i got lost in this forest and... somehow, i ran into... both... of you.." His face looked a lil serious.

"You're making it sound like it's a bad thing." I chuckled a bit.

"Well... duh. You both are actual criminals."

"ALRIGHT!" I clapped my hands twice. "We are going to get YOU out of this forest, THEN you'll act like you have NEVER met us in this forest."

"I really wanna get out... fine! Deal." Fan offered a hand shake, and i accepted. I pulled Fan, turned the other way, and walked. I released Fan's hand afterwards.

"Bad news, we're also lost in this forest, bytheway." I crossed my arms and kept walking.

"Oh, how great."

"I thought you'd say something the opposite of great!"

"That was sarcasm, Mic."

"Oh." Mic's stupidity has been broken (not really) with the answer.

"Can't i just use my microphone to shout out the Hotel OJ residents?" She held out her microphone.

I mentally face palmed and cleared my throat. "Reminder that we do NOT wanna get caught with Fan by the residents."

"Oh, yeah! Forgot about that.."

After seconds to minutes, from minutes to which felt like forever, other than the Hotel, i spotted something.

Tiny pieces of which looked like glass, colored glass, black glass.

I lifted my hand next to my mouth and shouted, "Hey, you two! Stop, i see something."

Both Fan and Mic stopped at the call from me. Good.

"I see something. It looks like glass."

"What glass?"

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