< 5 - Rely On Me >

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Isn't front facing Tk such a masterpiece? /j

This Chapter Includes

Voice hallucinations
Detailed description of awful injuries


[Nickel's POV]

The storm seems to calm down, and I totally forgot I had Clover's luck. Convenient.

I'm currently lying down in my room, and then there was an announcement from Oj.

...Mephone got murdered..?

Amazing. I thought sarcastically.

I got up from my bed and opened my door. I see a very familiar butterfly right in front of me, I'm very sure this is one of Clover's butterflies. But why is it here?

"..." I can't understand it.

"I can't speak butterfly, dumb ass." I headed my way to the elevator and headed down, but the butterfly kept following me. What an amazing day to have Clover's luck.

Didn't Trophy get terribly injured from this elevator? Eh, it's fine, though. I have Clover's luck, luckily. It's probably gonna keep me safe from any danger. I wish I could share some with 3 of my buddies. How did Clover pass out her luck, anyway? I forgot.

I'm now on the main floor. I see Mephone's dead body on the ground with white cloth under him. Darn, he's very damaged.

Test Tube crouched next to his body and observed it. "I'll probably have to take him... somewhere, where I can fully examine him and maybe fix him. Though, he looks very damaged. Maybe, let's say... low chance to fix him unless his important parts are barely damaged." She looked at fan. "Hey, fan? I have a question."

"Mhm? You can ask me anything!" Fan seems excited, maybe because it came from his... friend? Well, maybe crush since he acts all lovey-dovey around Test Tube. It's so obvious.

"Which part of the forest, is what I'm assuming, did you find him in?"

"Kinda deep in the forest, though they didn't bother to clean the evidence."

Oh, I just noticed a very familiar person; Candle. When did she get here? She seems quiet, now she has noticed me.

She slowly approached me, avoiding the body.

"Hello, Nickel. Sorry for the sudden approach, I just felt a bit too quiet and needed someone to talk to."

Lots of laughing can be heard upstairs, then shouts.

What the fuck are these people doing upstairs?

"Yeeah... that's fine, Candle. What the fuck was that?"

"It seems people are enjoying themselves getting distracted from stuff, most likely games."

Now that sentence convinced me that it's Paintbrush and Lightbulb.

"Your face seems like you know."

"That was Paintbrush and their friend, nothing to be worried about." Except his anger issues. "Topic change! Are we on good terms?"

"Definitely." She smiled. Huh, Candle accepted easily.

She has always been a calm and collected person, guess that would never change.

Why is she here in the hotel, anyway?

"If you're wondering why I'm here," she continues after a breath in, "I got kicked out of my apartment so I'll ask Oj later once his business is done."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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