Chapter 2

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Your point of view

"That was so cool!" Aura said while running up to me

I gave out a smile as I look at the both of them

"Would you like to fight it?"

Aura gave me a huge smile

"Yeah of course!"

"Uh, I just realized that there is something that I have to attend to do bye!"

"Come on!"

I gave out a slight giggle as I take a step back away from the fire and the possible rubble that will possibly appear in the battle

"Primal Fire Elemental, attack the dark elf twins!"

Once I gave out my order I sat on one of the steps near the fight watching them, Aura focused on fighting while Mare was focused on aiding his sister in the fight, they work much better than me and my brother did when we were fighting other people or monsters from Yggdrasil

I gave out a sigh as I tried using the call function spell, usually it works to call other players, but I don't even know if there is any other people from Yggdrasil in this new world, and just as I thought, it didn't work, or if it's out of range, or there is new conditions in this world

"Yes lady Lucy?"

My eyes widened a bit, it went through

"Sebas, is there anything out there to report?"

"Yes my lady, but there is a slight problem.."

I gave out a sigh 

"I understand, come to the amphitheater and report what you have here"

"Understood" Sebas said as I disconnected the call

It only took them about fifteen minutes to beat the thing, which is very impressive, the twins ran up to me

"That was so much fun! I haven't worked up this much of a sweat in a while!" Aura said while wiping the sweat off of her forehead

I gave out a smile

"You two must be thirsty.."

I reach into my dimensional void and pulled out two glasses and a pitcher of water, I gave the twins the glasses and poured them the water, they looked at each other before drinking it with large gulps, I then put the pitcher back in the dimensional void

"Not to be rude, but I expected you to be mean lady Lucy"

I then arched my eye brow slightly as I look down at the small elf

"Oh is that so? I would do that if you like"

Aura then shook her head

"No, I like you this way"

I gave out a nod as I look down at my watch, there's about thirty minutes until the meet up with the other floor guardian's, I should tell them than to wait until they arrive

"Aura, Mare, I instructed that the floor guardians to gather to this floor"

Aura then gave out a frown

"Does that mean Shaltear would be coming?"


She gave out a slight pout and looked away from me, I gave out a slight smile as I close my eyes, my tail started to sway from side to side, I forget how adorable she is, and now that they have emotions, that just makes them even more adorable than before

A gate then appeared and out came Shaltear Bloodfallen, a pure vampire that guards the first, second, and third floors, next to the twins, she was one of my personal favorites out of all of the guardians, and her creator gave her that fang almost all tsudere's and other character like characters from anime have, which adds another point to her in my book

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