Chapter 7

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Your Point Of view

I put my hands in my pockets as knights stormed into the village on horses, one man that had different armor than the rest was leading the army, just by looking at him I can tell that he's strong, for a human that is, but he could never stand a chance agents me or my brother, the man that was leading this small army ran ahead of his men and went up to me and the chief

"I am the chief royal warrior of the Re-Estiez Kingdom, Gasif Stronoff. The king has ordered me to hunt down the rouge knights that had been attacking surrounding villages, your people are safe now and we will do all we can to protect you"

The chief of the village then stepped in front of me

"Thank you General Gasif"

I look from the corner of my eye to this human, it seems that he is familiar with this other human, I guess I don't have to do much talking so that's a good thing for me right now, I'll just talk when it's time for me to

"Are you the chief of this village and who is this women standing behind you? She looks suspicious"

"This fine lady over here is the---"

I then stepped in front of the chief interrupting him

"No need for formalities with me, but it is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance General, my name is Angelica Morningstar"

I gave out a slight bow before contusing

"I'm a simple warrior and magic caster who was traveling though the forest when this village has been ransacked by those knights"

The general's eyes then widened

"Is that so?"

He then jumped down from his horse

"These people would've been lost without you. Thank you Lady Angelic"

Then there was one of the solders walking up to the general

"General, we have spotted a large army of unknown origin and they are surrounding this village as we speak"

I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head to the side curiously, let's hope they're stronger, or at least have information that we can use, I look over at the chief

"I would like you to go to the storage building where everyone else is"

"Of course"

Me and the general also walked to the storage building while Albeto stayed outside, clearly uncomfortable on how many humans there are in one place, me and Gasif went to a fairly open place in the building so we can talk, I turn to him and folded my arms across my chest

"It looks like they surrounded us in equal interfuse"

"Do you have some idea who they are?"

Albeto then walked into the building and stood behind me

"Only the Slane Theocracy can send out this many magic casters at once"

I nod my head

"They are also part of the special ops unit that works strictly under the hidden priest"

I then folded my arms across my chest

"It must be one of the six scriptures" Gasif continues

"I see..." I say curiously

I look over at the general

"And the men that attacked the village earlier?"

"They were Theocracy solders, do doubt about it"

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