Chapter 5

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Your Point Of View

I woke up from my slumber by knocks on my bedroom door, I gave out a low groan as I lift my head up and tiredly reach over and put my glasses on my face as I slowly open my eyes

"Come in" I say in a low and scratchy voice

Albeto walks in my room and closes the door behind her

"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your sleep especially when you worked so hard yesterday lady Lucy"

I waved my hand unbothered as I push my glasses up on my face

"It's fine Albeto, now, what do you want?"

"I'm merely here to check up on you, you were sleeping so terribly silent and deep that I thought that you were ill"

I gave out a slow nod as I look down, I was tired yesterday after doing all of that work, no wonder I slept so hard so fast, I then look back up at Albeto

"Tell me, is there anything that needs my immediate attention at the moment?"

She then shook her head

"No my lady, everything that needed attention you already did yesterday, as to my knowledge, nothing is to do as of right now"

I gave out a nod

"Alright, I'll get dressed and be out in a couple of hours, I want Sebas in my office with the mirror of remote viewing"

Albeto then bowed her head

"Of course my lady, I will have him and the mirror ready within the hour"

Albeto then turned her back to me as she exited my bedroom and closing the door behind me, I gave out a sigh as I knew that I had to get up now, I slip out of my bed as I walk over to my closet and take out my suit, and some clean underwear, I then walk over to my bathroom and started up my shower, turning the water on

As the water slowly started to grow warm I started to take off my pajamas and put my clean clothes on the counter in the bathroom

When the water was warm enough I stepped in to the shower and let the water go on my body and my hair, making sure every part of my body was wet, I then put shampoo on my head and my tail, forgetting that I have a tail sometimes and that it can get dirty and matted, I put the shampoo on my tail too, scrubbing it until I was satisfied before I started to scrub my hair with the same shampoo that I used on my tail

Once I was satisfied I washed the shampoo off and put on some conditioner in my hair and tail and let it sit in my fur as I washed my body, and washed the conditioner off of my hair and tail, I then stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me

I then dried myself off and put on my bra and underwear, I then brushed my hair out and started to put on my clothes, I slip on my shirt and pants, I button up my pants and my shirt before putting on my vest and buttoning it up

I gave out a yawn as I put on my socks and my blazer, I then walk out of my bathroom and to my vanity, I pick up my gold watch and put it on my right wrist and adjusted the collar I was wearing, I then put on my glasses and pushed them up on my face, once I was basically ready for the day I put on my dress shoes and walked out of my bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind me

I gave out a sigh as I walked down the hallway I look over as butlers and maids who bowed and wished me a good morning, I gave out a yawn as I walked into my office to see Sebas and the mirror of remote viewing in his hands

I walk over and sat in one of the chairs as I look up at Sebas who bowed his head at me

"Good morning lady Lucy, I hope you slept well"

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