Chapter 3

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Your Point Of View

As me and Demmiurge went to the entrance of the tomb I reach in my dimensional void and pull out a wing necklace, it can use the skill 'fly' which I can't do in this form, I then put it around my neck


I body then started to levitate and lift me up to the sky, I then flew us and over the clouds as my eyes widened at this worlds beauty, the artificial sky on floor four was amazing, but it doesn't hold a candle to this, I gave out a smile as I felt my fangs showing, I guess they are bigger than I thought

"The stars glitter in the night sky like jewels in a treasure chest.."

"I believe we were sent to this world to attain those treasures for you my lady"

I look over to Demmiurge from the corner of my eye and gave him a slight smile before looking back in front of me

"As much fun as that would be, hogging all of those riches would be the height of selfishness.."

I then pause for a moment as my smile grew wider

"Though, the most exciting and amusing thing for me to do right now, is taking over this new world"

I then gave out a sigh as I push my glasses up on my face, I look down to see mounds of dirt, mud, and rubble going up and near the outer walls of Nasareke, I look closer to see Mare using Earth Surge, it covers a large amount of ground while using very little of the persons magic

I lift up my head slightly before turning to Demmiurge

"I was thinking about rewarding Mare with his hard work, what do you think he would like?"

"I believe he would appreciate you talking to him my lady"

I gave out a soft groan before flying down to him, I then land on the outer wall of Nasreke, when he saw me he gave out a smile and ran towards me

"Lady Lucy hello! How are you?"

I gave him a smile as I look down at him slightly

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking, and you are doing very well at covering up the tomb"

His eyes widened adn sparkled with happiness

"Thank you my lady, though, if I may ask; why are you not wearing your usual suit?"

I then franticly looked around before looking back at Mare

"W-well you see---"

"It's simple Mare"

I look up to see Albeto, her fathers slightly falling down towards us as she flew down in front of me as she looked over at Mare

"It's sort of like a disguise, if we knew that she was around watching, we would stop working and we would praise her, then nothing will get done"

She then looked over at me with a smile on her face

"Was I correct"

I then gave out a nod with a slight crooked smile on my face

"As expected of Albeto, you knew exactly what I was thinking"

I then turn my attention back over to Mare

"I would like to give you something, to show my appreciation to you and what you are doing for the tomb"

I then held out my hand and take out a spare ring of Ainz Oole Gown that I had laying around in case we got any new members, but we never got any

"That's a ring of Ainz Oole Gown! I could never be worthy of one"

I then tilt my head to the side

"Is that so? then think about it as a tool that I am lending you to make your work in the tomb more bearable"

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