Chapter 8

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Your Point Of View

"So this is what it's like to take damage, this is pain!"

I then look over at Albeto to see that she was shaking, was she hit from the blast?

"YOU LOWER LIFE FORMS!!!" she yelled

I guess she was fine after all


I took a step back as one of my ears folded slightly from how awkward this feels, from a couple days ago she was an MPC

"You caused her pain, AND NOW YOU SHOULD KNOW DEATH!!!"

I put my hand on her shoulder and gave out a slight sigh

"It's alright Albeto, I was just so caught off guard on how weak they are I couldn't help but laugh"

I then step out in front of Albeto

"Now, I believe it's my turn now right?" I say as I gave out a smirk

I point to the angle and pointed my pointer finger

"Hell flame"

A small black flame appeared from my fingers and flew in front of the angle, engulfing it in the black flame, I then gave out a yawn and gave out a sigh

"H-how can this be? This isn't possible!"

"I believe that this little display I just did made it possible, now, I believe that it's your turn now, or is that all that you have?"

"Please I beg you, lady Angelica, l-lord Angelica! these other people doesn't matter! Let me live and serve you!"

"I believe you misunderstand what she said"

"What did you say?"

"Lady Angelica, for the disrespect that you shown to her, having her kill you would be a mercy"

I gave out a sigh as I put my hands on my hips

"I believe that that's enough playing around, and it's time to wrap up" I say as I take off my mask

I shake my hair to reviel my ears and tail as I gave out a toothy grin

"Scream for me, and maybe I'll kill you without pain

I gave out a yawn as I lick the blood off of my hands, I now have stains on my clothes from all of the blood and guts on my suit, I guess that laundry will be a daily thing if this is going to happen all of the time

As we got back to the tomb, I summoned all of the floor guardians to the throne room, I gave out a toothy grin on my face

"I'm glad that you came here so quickly my guardians"

"Please my lady your complements are waisted on us" Albeto said

"I have made a decision, my new name for this new world is Angelica Morningstar. You will call me Angle!"

"We have heard your glorious name my lady, and what a wonderful name for this new world for us"

"Glory to Angelica Morningstar, all hail!"

I then stood up and crossed my arms across my chest as I gave out a grin

"Very good my gradians! Now go and fulfill your duties!"


I then teleported to my room and gave out a sigh, this is so damn tiering..

I slowly walk over to my bed as I took off my sidled and dropped them on the floor behind me as I stripped down to my underwear and bra as I fell face first onto my bed

I gave out a groan as I slowly covered myself with my blankets as I grabbed the nearest pillow on my bed and hugged it close as I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep from how exhausting and hectic today was

There was soft knocking on my door, I gave out a groan as I slowly risen from the mountain of pillows and blankets that were on my bed with my messy hair

"Yes? Come in.." I say with a low and scratchy voice as I rubbed my eyes

I reach over and grab my glasses, as I put them on I look over to see Sebas in the doorway

"What do you need Sebas?"

"I was simply coming to check up on you my lady, you were sleeping quite soundly"

I gave out a yawn

"I see, I'll be out of my room in a couple of hours, get me some food for me to eat when I come out"

"As you wish my lady"

Sebas says as he exited my room and closed the door behind him, I gave out a sigh as I threw the blankets off of me and I slowly slid off of my bed, I walk over to my bathroom and turned on the shower, I took off my bra and underwear before stepping in, letting the warm water fall on my body, my hair, and my tail

I lathered my body with rose scented body wash and I washed my hair and tail fur with lavender scented shampoo and conditioner, once I was all clean, I step out of the shower and dried myself off, I walk over to my bathroom counter and brushed my teeth, and brushed out m hair and the fur on my tail

Once I was done with that I dropped the towel on the bathroom floor and walked over to my closet, I put on clean boxers and a bra as I gave out a yawn

I then put on my black ripped jeans, a grey thin sweatshirt with a black T-shirt, and my back blazer, I take my hood out of my blazer and layed it on my back, I put on some mitch matched socks and my black cat slippers

I slicked my hair back before putting on my glasses and giving out one last yawn before stepping out of my room, I then walked to my office, I pushed open the door to see Albeto and one of the maids waiting for me

"A very good morning to you lady Angle" Albeto said

"Good morning Albeto" I say as I sit in the chair in front of the desk

There was a couple of bigger stacks of paperwork than the last time I did this, well, I did go and procrastinate on doing this paperwork yesterday so it is my fault

"For your breakfast, we made something light as you just woke up, some French toast with sliced fruit, and apple and orange juice" the maid said

I then look over at the far end of the desk to see a tray with the food and drink on it

"Perfect, thank you" I say as I pick up one of the papers and reading it with one hand on my face

Hours pass and I'm only half way done, and all of my breakfast is gone and I am going off of coffee and the sliced fruit I eat sparingly, I then gave out a sigh as I threw the paper I was holing onto the table and on the pile I was working on, I leaned back in my chair as I looked up at the ceiling as I closed my eyes

After a moment of pure silence I heard the office door open, I fix my glasses and looked over at who came in, my tail started to was slightly as I saw that it was Shaltear, she then gave out a bow as she came closer to my desk

"My lady Angelica, how are you on this fine day?"

I lean over on my desk as I put my head in my hand again as I gave out a smirk 

"I'm doing fine, I hope you are also in good spirits?"

"Indeed I am my lady since I gazed upon your amazing form"

My smirk grew larger as I continued to talk to the vampire

"Now tell me, what brings you here?"

"I have a request, and it involves me talking to you, personally~"

The Supreme Overlord's Younger Sister FutaReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora