Chapter 4

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Your Point Of View

Hours go by, I was out of juice, my bowl of fruit was gone and I had finished over half the paperwork when it turned into early evening, I leaned back in the chair and gave out a stretch and a sigh, I look over at Albeto and she had a smile on her face

"You did very well my lady, you are nearly done with todays paperwork with some time to spare, shall I call the kitchen and order you something to eat for dinner?"

I gave out a sigh as I leaned my head back

"Yes please."

"Very well my lady."

I lift my head up as I push my glasses up onto my face as I started to look at documents again, unlike my idiot brother who is older than me and used to paperwork like this, he utterly has no idea what's happening most of the time when it comes to the affairs for Naserkeke

Unlike the paperwork on my desk isn't my top priority right now, I want to know who, and what is outside these walls and if they want to hurt us

I gave out an exhausted sigh as I throw the papers back onto the desk and put my head in my, my eyes narrowed as I think to what I can do in this situation, I can use the mirror of remote viewing, but I would like Sebas with me when I use it

I look up when the door opened to see one of the maids come into my office with a bowl of something on a tray, she walks up next to me as Albeto clears out my desk for the dish on my desk, I look in it to see that it was ramen with a coke

"I hope you enjoy it my lady."

I look up at the maid and gave out a slight smile

"I will thank you."

The maid then bowed and walked back out of my office, I took off my glasses and set them down on my desk before picking up the chopsticks and picked up the hot noodles

Amazingly the food that we produce here tastes as good as the food outside of game, but since I'm going to be living here now I have to grow accustomed to being pampered this much

Once I was done with the noodles I put the chopsticks down and my hands wrapped around the bowl as I drank the broth the noodles swam in, the warm liquid slid down my throat as I put the bowl back down on the table, I then gave out a yawn, immediately feeling sleepy

I then put my glasses back on, the maid then walked back into my office and took the empty bowl off of my desk and left my drink since it was still full, I went back to looking at the paperwork on my desk for a couple of hours before I was done

Once the last of the paperwork was finished I gave out a stretch as I got up from my desk

"Well done my lady, that was the last of the daily paperwork." Albeto said

"Good job, I'll be in my room for a couple of hours."


I then teleported to the door to my bedroom and gave out a yawn, I walk in and close the door behind me, I then took off my blazer and threw it on one of my chairs in the room and put on my grey sweatshirt over my white button down, black vest, and black tie before pushing up my glasses on my face and walking over to the mini fridge I keep next to my desk

I bend down and open it and grab a can of Sprite out along with a box of chocolate pandas from on top of the fridge, as I open my sprite and my chocolate in the pocket in my sweatshirt, I walk over to my TV and sat down on the beanbag chair

I took a sip of my Sprite before sitting it next to me on the table, I also put my chocolate on the same table with my soda before turning on my game console which I'm surprised that it even works, I honestly thought that it wouldn't work because we weren't in Yggdrasil anymore, huh, I guess this new world is full of surprises

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