Chapter 13

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Your Point Of View

As we walked the road in silence, I put my hands on the back of my head as I looked up at the sky which had no clouds to cover the bright sun that was beaming down at the two of us, it was weirdly calming

After a couple of miles, I finally saw a gate that presumed to be an entering space, or some sort of poll for humans or other demi humans that want to enter the town, I look behind me to Nobrol and pointed to the building in the distance, she then gave me a nod, confirming that this is the place

I gave out a slight smile as we are finally here, and now that I know where this is, I can teleport here any time that I want, as we approached the gate there was a slight line to get in, I looked ahead to see that it wasn't that long, and we were soon face to face with a apparent guard here

He then scanned the both of us, but mostly me, probably because I had ears and a tail of an animal, understandable, after a moment he then gotten something out of his pocket and handed the thing to the both of us, I dangled it in between my fingers to see that it was a pass to go in and out of the town whenever we want to, he moved out of the way assuming that we were both qualified to enter the city

I let out a slight smile as me and Nobrol walked passed him and into town, I played with the little identification place before dropping it into the bag that was on my hip, I then put my hands on the back of my head as I looked over at the women next to me

"So what should we do first?" I ask

"We should get identification in this city so we can be residents, register at the guild, and find somewhere to hideout" she said

I let out a sigh as I walked a couple of steps in front of her

"Kay, let's do it" I say as I walk towards the apparent law house

Nobrol took care of most of the paperwork for our IDs here, all I had to do is sign my name on multiple of the documents, and after twenty minutes we were walking out of the law house with fake identification for this little investigation, I let out a grin as I looked at my name, human name that I will be using in this human world

I looked around the street and the houses and it looked like what I expected it to look like, stone roads, buildings, horses and carriages, and all the things that I would expect from a fantasy anime that isn't set in modern times, or a video game that I would've probably played during school on my phone

As we walked to the guild house, Nobrol opened the door for me and stepped in, as we walked to the receptionist desk there was people who were looking and probably talking about the both of us

We walk up to one of the three receptionist and let out a slight sigh as both of us made eye contact, Nobrol then stepped in front of me in a protective stance as she took over the conversation before I even said a single word

I let out a shrug as I put my hands in my pockets, watching the conversation play out in front of me, and participated when I needed to, this weirdly reminds me of the time that I lost my library card for the public library on Earth and I made my brother pay for my lost card and he had to pay and replace the card

As Nobrol was doing the paperwork, I walked away from the desk and to the sitting area, which also that has the board that is filled with papers on top of papers of jobs and requests, I sat on one of the benches, looking up at the celling as I waited for them to be done with, I don't want to go adventuring today from how much walking there was, I want to go home and take a nap

But we need to go and make a reservation at one of the inns to seem for a base here for our adventuring, I let out a groan as I spread my legs slightly as I put my arms on the back of the couch while I continued to look up at the ceiling

"Is there something wrong my lady?" a voice said

I let out another groan as I looked in front of me to see Nobrol with out plates, and our plates for our ranking, I shook my head as I gotten up from my seat and walked over to the women with my hands in my pockets

"It's nothing, what are these?" I ask as she gives me a pair

"The plate of copper is our ranking, and the silver plate is our identification, it can be used in other adventurers guilds other than here, convenient when we have to leave this city for some unknown reason" Nobrol said

"Indeed" I say as I look at the plate before putting them in my bag

"What should we do now my lady?"

"We should register at an inn near this place" I say

"Understood" Nobrol said

I let out a sigh as I put my hands in my pockets as we walked out of the guild hall, we then walked down the cobblestone road as we, well, Nobrol looked for an inn for us to stay at when we come here, mostly me

We found one that that was called "The Firebird Inn" it was close to the guild, and closer to Naserek than the guild so this can work for me whenever I want to not do my duties as ruler of the tombs for whatever reason

As we walked in there was small groups of adventurers in the bottom floor, and it has a bar, so it's an inn and a bar, convenient, we then walk up to the bar and the man that sat behind it who was wiping down a glass looked at us up and down before letting out a scoff

"We would like a room, double bed" I say

He then gave out another scoff

"Five silver coins, and payment is due upfront" 

I reached into my bag and dropped the coins on the table, the man quickly swiped them in front of me

"Rooms are on the upper floor"

I let out a nod as I started to walk to the stairs when there was a table full of adventurers, and one of them stuck their leg out in front of me, I let out a frown as I hopped up and over their leg making them scoff and groan in annoyance

As we walked up the stairs and to one of the back of the hallway, we then occupied one of the farthest rooms as I let out a sigh as I walk into the room

"What should we do now my lady?" Nobrol asked as she closed the door behind her

"We make it look like we occupy this spot, like with extra weapons, clothing, items, stuff like that" I say as I look around the room before sitting on the bed

"Of course my lady, I will get those ready immediately"

"Good, I am going back to Naserek in a couple of hours, before sunset I want you back in the tomb with a daily report when I am not with you in the human city" I say as I take off my blazer

"And what shall I do when you are here?" Nobrol asked

"No daily report" I say as I put my sword next to the bed that I am sitting on

 I leaned back as I looked up at the ceiling

"And about the jobs, we need to do something that will have us climb the ranks sooner than later, but we also need to do some independently so our individual reputations increase"

"As you wish my lady" 

I looked around the room again, it is too baren, unfamiliar, it makes me uneasy for some reason, I bite the inside of my lip as my leg started to shake

I then quickly stood up and smoothed my hair back

"I'm going back to the tomb" I say quickly as I teleported to my room

I then gave out a relieved sigh as I leaned on my door in my room, I somehow felt calmer, in a place that if familiar to me

"Jesus fucking Christ.. I need a break"

The Supreme Overlord's Younger Sister FutaReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ