chapter 7 kidnapped

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Enya sat on her sofa snuggling her pillow, watching tv she ate now the 5th bag of chips. She got a call. She got on her phone after who knows how long. She knew it was crymini. "HEY ENYA MY BITCH" Crymini shouted "whats up..." Enya said.  "I am good. I call you to give you some clarification!" Crymini explained

Meanwhile at cryminis place she was in the city. Cyanide was with her. He felt really bad what happened

"I am gonna send you a video from the event!" Crymini said.  She sent the video deezy tried to sent. "Just watch if you have time... or... if you are not busy with... eating chunks in your room and watchin depressing shit in voxflix and chill" crymini said. Enya giggled. "You know me" She replied "I surely do. Call me if you need me " crymini said. They hung up. Enya took her time to watch the video from the event. Again she bursted in tears. She realised it was really wrong what she did and she acted to fast. She ran outside once she changed from het sleeping suit. She called Crymini while being on the way to her "Cry!!! Cry where are you! I did a big mi-" she started. The resr she couldn't bring. A Imp snake hybrith knocked her over. It was a female. She had the skin of a imp. The striped markings on the wrist were thw most iritating one including the white markings on her neck. She tied up the sinner Hellhound. She took enyas phone. Crymini was screaming into her phone "Enya!!! ENYA YOU STILL THERE?!" the snake imp decided to respond "she is not there but she wiöl be taken good care of" the hybriths voice sound very shaky. Cyan heard her "Chalsey" he whispered. The hybrith who apparenrly was called Chalsey hooked up. She called with Enyas phone her boss. "Hello?" The boss responded "I got the Sinner hellhound" chalsey said "very good! Get to the greed ring as soon as possible." The boss responded. Chalsey grinned. She put a muzzle on the hellhound. And put her in thw car. She used her gem to get the acces to the greed ring and drove with her car in there.

Enya woke up her her mouth was muffled so she couldn't scream.
Chalsey stopped driving as she noticed that. She stood oit of her car.
"Oh damn I didn't though a bitch like you has enough guts to wake up so fast damn!" She said. Enya growled at the snake. She took Enyas phone "say cheeese" she said and took a photo of her in her own phone. She was scrolling around her social media and noticed one thing in her block list. Cyanide was still blocked "Nice try hiding you are friends with one of our workers. She said, unblocking him to send the message

She also looked at the video where cyan yelled at his ex "interesting

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She also looked at the video where cyan yelled at his ex "interesting... that will kill both of you!" Chalsey said. She threw Enya's phone on the ground so hard it broke in pieces
She kicjed Enya on the face to knock her out shutting down the car.

Meanwhile cyan paced up and down. "Shit...shit...shit...SHIT" he screamed.
"Calm down...we gonna figure out something" Crymini said "THEY WANT ME! THEY WANNA KILL BOTH OF US! " he screamed. He kept pacing. He had thw hardest moment to breath. He sat in the corner. He experienced a panic attack. Crymini noticed it. She walkef up to him. She hugged him petting his hair. Cyan calmed down. Crymini figured out how fluffy he was, starting fluffing his hair "OH MY SATAN SO FLUFFYYYYY" she screamed. She had her head on his hair "no wonder why Enya likes to cuddlw you" she said. Cyan laughed "I remembef Deezy must be in contact with people he can help us. Before she ran the nightclub it was her owner."
Crymini explained. Cyanide sighed.  "Lets give it a try"

In the nightclub Deezy had a rampage "ENYA GOT KIDNAPPED?!" she screamed. She paced "We thought you know who might help" Crymini said
"I do... but it will cost something..." deezy said. "I am listening " Cyanide said. "My owner... is part of a mafia. I can take you to her. It will probably cost your life" Deezy said "I was part of something like that... I am aware" Cyanide mentioned.

They all went into the greed ring. Crymini had her sunglasses from the anyplace anywhere anytime show she had with enya. Deezy wore her goggles "why are you wearing sunglasses? Cyanide asked "Enya" they both replied. They all were infront of a mansion. They knocked the door. The door opened and there was one of Valentino's workers. It was Amarillo the guy with the black golden hair "AMARILLO?!" Cymini bursted "Cry? What are you guys doing here???" He asked "take us to the deputy consiglere of the mafia!!!" Deezy said, looking at Amarillo "is something going on?" The sinner asked "Enya needs us" Crymini said "that bitch that bursted in the porn studios?!" Amarillo asked "Just bring us to her!" Cyan said. Amarillo lead the three to an office

Amarillo knocked on the office door. A rabbit demon opened the door. "Nephew, what is it? We are just working on the pri-" the rabbit gazed at the black cyan fizarolli "Deezarolli?!" She asked. She hopped infront of her "what brings you here?! Did something happened to the club!?" She asked. "Not to the club but to our star" Deezy replied. The rabbit opened her eyes widely she turned to another sinner. He looked like cyan feom race but with fox features. His hair haf a greyish dark tone of blue with a gradient of dark red. Just like his foxy ear tips. "We have something going on " the rabbit said. The fox demon looked at the three one, pointing at thw chairs. Cyan took a seat while the other twos were standing.  The rabbit stood next to the fox "My name is Bill Galante! The sweet woman next to me is my lovely Wife Angora."
The fox explained. Cyanide shook his hand "My name is John Lipton. You can call me Cyanide" Cyan answered "so you are here to help out a friend and need our help? Is that correct?"
Bill asked "one hundred percent!" Cyan answered
"Do you have any angel weapons we can borrow?" Deezy bursted out "borrow?!" Bill asked "why not buying?!" Cyan gulped "first of all I am deffenetly not selling weapon to a bag of bolt" Bill mentioned . He got a paw slap from his rabbit deputy "You little shit watch what you are sayimg to my new nightclub owner!" Angora hissed.  "Right..." Bill mumbled "secand, Angels weapons are very hard to get! Therefore they are pretty damn expensive!" Bill explained  "just borrowing it would be irresponsible!"
Bill added into " please we need you guys help!" Cyan said. Angora whispered something in Bills ear "Looks like we have to discuss it with the don!" Bill said

A while passed and they waited in the mainhalls Angora and Bill came back "I am glad you had been waiting. The don said its impossible to share our weapons with you! Especially not if you are part of it. " Bill explained. "We are so sorry" Angora added into. Bill looked at his rabbit wife, shaking his head.
He went into his office. Angora lookef at deezy "Deezarolli, can we talk for a moment?" She said.
Another moment passed. Angora was in another office so Bill wouldn't hear anything. "I see yoi as a part of the cartel already, since I bought you" angora said. She took out bulletd "practically you don't need weapons of us since cyan has his revolvers. Yet HE is gonna be the testing rabbit. Not like I have to be the bunny"
Angora said. The two laughed. She gave the fizarolli a pack of Bullets "those Bullets will be a huge suprise for him" angora said and put a smirk. A smile that let her shown all her teeth. Next to the only not pointy buck teeth thw rest of her teeth were sharp and pointy. "I know exactly who mr Lipton has to deal with! Kick his ass for me" she added into.

After a while they got out. Deezy had to get cyan a pair of sunglasses. Now they were ready to attack the kidnappers

 Now they were ready to attack the kidnappers

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