The Birth Of Columbia

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18 years old. That is how old Annabeth is. That is how old she will be when she has a baby. A baby! Her mind was still trying to process this. She hadn't even told Percy yet! 

I need to tell him. I will, right now. With that thought, she ran out, going to look for her boyfriend. 

Annabeth found Percy near Cabin 11, or the Hermes Cabin, trying  (and failing, I might add) to give Travis Stoll love advice.

"Percy? Can I talk to you alone?" Annabeth asked, interrupting them.

"Sure," Percy said, before Annabeth dragged him off. "Everything okay?"

"Yes? No? I don't know!" Annabeth said, and to her horror, her eyes flooded with tears, and Percy's filled with worry.

"Hey. What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm pregnant!" Percy's face went blank, before filling with delight.

"You are?! Seriously?!" She nodded. "That's awesome!"

"Percy, we're 18!"


"So?! Percy! We are not ready to have a child! Especially not one that is the child of a demigod and a demigod!"

"So we keep it a secret. At least until she's old enough to  defend herself."

"...OK. I can do that. But, someone has to help me actually have the baby!"

"We'll figure it out when the time comes," Percy said, pulling her into a hug. "Annabeth, we're gonna have a baby!"


9 Months Later

Annabeth knew that the baby would be here any day now. She had managed to hide her belly with big sweatshirts and many excuses. She didn't know what she was going to do when the baby arrived.

Thalia and the Hunters Of Artemis were visiting for a couple of days, giving Annabeth a plan. She was going to leave with them to have the baby, and return when it was born.

"OK, let's go," Thalia said.

"Right now?" Annabeth asked, unsure. She hadn't even told Percy yet.

"Yes. Right now. You don't have to come, but Amelia knows how to deliver a baby." Annabeth nodded.

"I'm coming."

"Good. Now let's go."


"Rachel!" Percy called. "Have you seen Annabeth?"

"Um, no..." Rachel said with unease. Percy raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Where is she?"

"She might have left with the Hunters..."

"She did WHAT?!"

"Shut up!" Rachel exclaimed, pulling him aside and out of earshot of anyone. "She was afraid of what would happen if she had the baby here! Many of the Hunters Of Artemis are trained in medicine and can deliver a baby!"

"She told you about the baby?"

"Annabeth was hoping that she (the baby) could stay with me until you guys were ready for her to meet the camp."

"Okay. That's not a bad idea, but leaving with the Hunters?! That's very dumb, especially for a daughter of Athena."

Rachel frowned. "Cut her some slack! She panicked. What else could she do?"

"Whatever. I need to talk to Grover." With that Percy walked off toward the forest to find his best friend. 


"I can't believe she would do this!" Percy said for the tenth time as he paced back and forth in the cave Grover lived in.

Grover frowned. "I don't know dude. She wanted to keep it a secret, right? While, this was her way of doing that."

"Do not take her side," Percy said, pointing an accusing finger at him. Grover raised his hands in surrender. 

"I'm not! But maybe it wasn't the worst idea."

"Okay, that's enough from you," Percy said as he walked out.

Okay, I think that's enough for now. I am stuck so I decided to end it here. Anyway; Annabeth has the baby and they hide her with Rachel until she is nearly two, then they reveal her to the camp but don't say that they are her parents. They name her Columbia Damasen Jackson.

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